Release Notes 10.17

Update available for cloud systems as of October 07, 2024
Symbol: News
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfix

Symbol: Wichtig
After updating to this ver­si­on, it is essen­ti­al to per­form a PAM mas­ter data import!

Alarm groups can now also be main­tai­ned via the API.
If the craw­ler is used from ver­si­on 20, the web­sites of the prin­ters can be cal­led up if the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on allows it. (Beta function!)
Addi­tio­nal prin­ter loca­ti­on fields have been added to the fleet overview.
The API for trans­mit­ting prin­ter results has been impro­ved so that miss­ing data can be detec­ted and reported.
The MPS API has been expan­ded to include scan pages.
Added quick opti­on to find and dele­te dupli­ca­te scan jobs.
Fixed a bug that the prin­ted pages are not cal­cu­la­ted cor­rect­ly on the first day a prin­ter occurs.
Fixed a bug whe­re the "last modi­fied" date of alarm groups was not always set correctly.

Lea­sing frame­work agree­ments for spe­ci­fic loca­ti­ons can now also be used mul­ti­ple times for dif­fe­rent types of devices.

New con­trol­ling report for eva­lua­ti­on, inclu­ding exact times and distances traveled.
Chan­ges to the spa­re parts of a ticket are now historicized.
The file type of an attach­ment is now easier to recognize.
For an exch­an­ge ser­vice, you can now con­fi­gu­re whe­ther sub-assets should also be exch­an­ged or remain on the exch­an­ged asset.
Cer­tain mass chan­ges are now also pos­si­ble with com­ple­ted or can­ce­led tickets.
The mask for accep­ting a ticket has been exten­ded to be able to set the cor­rect team.
Fixed a bug that pre­ven­ted a new ser­vice from being crea­ted under cer­tain circumstances.

Report vari­ants can now be shared and sub­scri­bed to by other users of the client.
The API docu­men­ta­ti­on now also shows the scope requi­red for aut­ho­riza­ti­on of an endpoint.
Various dis­play errors fixed and trans­la­ti­ons adjusted.

You can now set whe­ther pic­tures are also saved in the device's pho­to library.
Basic libra­ri­es updated to impro­ve over­all performance.
Fixed an error when uploa­ding various file types.
Various dis­play errors in the asset and spa­re parts mask fixed.

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