Ser­vice Ma­na­ge­ment and Help­desk The SER­VICE modu­le of the IT asset manage­ment software

Incre­asing cost pres­su­re and con­stant tech­no­lo­gi­cal chan­ges are pre­sen­ting com­pa­nies with new chal­lenges to pro­vi­de first-class and sta­ble IT ser­vices, while making effi­ci­ent use of human and tech­no­lo­gi­cal resour­ces and con­ti­nuous­ly opti­mi­zing their processes.

With the Ser­vice and Help­desk modu­le it is pos­si­ble to:

  • Con­trol, moni­tor and report all ITIL ser­vice and help­desk pro­ces­ses of the company.
  • Ticket manage­ment, know­ledge base, recur­rings and escala­ti­ons, and con­fi­gura­ble ticket paths, etc.
  • Inte­gra­ti­on of part­ners and ser­vice pro­vi­ders through cus­tom roles, inter­faces and exten­si­ve cost repre­sen­ta­ti­on and accounting.


  • Ser­vice­de­sk: Cen­tral pro­cess and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on interface
  • Inci­dent Manage­ment: fas­test pos­si­ble reco­very of dis­rupt­ed services
  • Pro­blem Manage­ment: minimization/remediation of adver­se effects of incidents
  • Chan­ge Manage­ment: stan­dar­di­zed methods and pro­ce­du­res for effi­ci­ent hand­ling of all chan­ges in the IT infrastructure
  • SLA Manage­ment: ensu­ring con­sis­ten­cy bet­ween agreed and deli­ver­ed performance
  • Escala­ti­on manage­ment: sequence of ope­ra­ti­ons in the sys­tem to meet the time­frames pro­mi­sed in ser­vice level agreements



Ticket report
Recur­ring Tickets
New ticket
Fenster schließen

Who requi­res Ser­vice Management

  • Con­trol­ling
  • Sales
  • Finan­ce
  • IT
  • Warehouse
  • Mar­ke­ting
  • Admi­nis­tra­ti­on


potential issues

  • Error reports and tech­ni­cal faults reach the IT team by pho­ne or mail, resul­ting in misun­derstan­dings. No plan­ning capa­bi­li­ty for HRM. Pro­blems (recur­ring error mes­sa­ges) are not traceable. Pro­blem mes­sa­ges are lost or not recor­ded in a time­ly manner.
  • Mul­ti­ple error mes­sa­ges for the same pro­blem, for exam­p­le attach­ments are no lon­ger sent in the e-mails, can not be bund­led and must be pro­ces­sed indi­vi­du­al­ly or answered.
  • No solu­ti­on docu­men­ta­ti­on: solu­ti­ons must be work­ed out again and again.

The solution

The Ser­vice and Help­desk Manage­ment pro­vi­des mul­ti-ten­ant sup­port for ser­vice pro­vi­ders and cus­to­mers. The ITIL-com­pli­ant sys­tem opti­mi­zes pro­cess-dri­ven with its inte­gra­ted and indi­vi­du­al­ly cus­to­mizable workflows.

The suitable co-pilots

Co-Pilotsn Service Order

Order and Service

Order inter­nal ser­vices, appro­ve them and enter them direct­ly as an order.

Co-Pilots PAM Service

PAM and Service

Crea­te auto­ma­tic noti­fi­ca­ti­ons and tickets* when a fault is detected.

*available soon

Co-Pilots Partner and Service

Part­ner and Service

Glo­bal over­views of all tickets of your cus­to­mers: glo­bal­ly eva­lua­te ser­vice teams, iden­ti­fy pro­blems and share know-how.

Co-Pilots Service IT Control

IT Con­trol and Service

Depo­sit cos­ts to ser­vices that will be bil­led automatically.

Order and Ser­vicePAM and Ser­vicePart­ner and Ser­viceIT Con­trol and Service

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