Signi­fi­cant Bit Soft­ware AG takes off

Start-up 2016 – The young soft­ware com­pa­ny from the south of Ger­ma­ny: SiBit AG. As heir to the for­mer Busi­ness Solu­ti­on GmbH, Signi­fi­cant Bit Soft­ware AG can draw on its know-how from more than 15 years of expe­ri­ence in soft­ware development.

Sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies, agi­le pro­ces­ses and reco­gni­zed best prac­ti­ce methods are appli­ed. The soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment and the enti­re ser­vice are car­ri­ed out com­ple­te­ly in Ger­ma­ny. Tog­e­ther with a very flat hier­ar­chy, this ensu­res fast decis­i­on-making and short respon­se times.

SiBit AG’s most important asset is its employees. They are con­se­quent­ly invol­ved in all impro­ve­ment pro­ces­ses of the com­pa­ny and recei­ve con­ti­nuous edu­ca­ti­on and trai­ning around their topics. For exam­p­le, all employees are con­sis­t­ent­ly trai­ned and cer­ti­fied in SCRUM and/or ITIL.

The Partners A powerful Team

Com­pa­nies of all sizes and indus­tries rely on our soft­ware! With the use of indi­vi­du­al modu­les to the com­ple­te solu­ti­on OFFICE ASSET we could alre­a­dy con­vin­ce the fol­lo­wing top part­ners of us.
Here it goes to the reviews of other gre­at partners.


Dive into the fasci­na­ting world of a modern, cloud-ori­en­ted web archi­tec­tu­re. Expe­ri­ence the chall­enge of deve­lo­ping and inte­gra­ting con­sul­ting and solu­ti­ons for cli­ents ran­ging from 10 to over 10,000 employees

Soft­ware Deve­lo­per (m/f/d)

Part of an agi­le, 100% scrum deve­lo­per team in the area of JAVA, Hiber­na­te & Rich Cli­ent web front-end.
Refi­ne­ment, imple­men­ta­ti­on ana­ly­sis and plan­ning, as well as soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment exe­cu­ti­on and agi­le testing.
Tech­ni­cal­ly dri­ving our soft­ware in stan­dard and pro­ject for our customers.

read more.

IT Sys­tem Admi­nis­tra­tor (m/f/d)

As the first point of cont­act, you will be available to advi­se our French cus­to­mer on all sys­tem admi­nis­tra­ti­on issues.

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Working stu­dent.
Soft­ware Development

You will sup­port our young team with a maxi­mum of 20 hours/week to imple­ment our goals and pro­jects in the best pos­si­ble way. During the lec­tu­re-free peri­od, your working hours can be increased to 40 hours/week.

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