OFFICE ASSET APP for Service- , Asset and Order Management

The OFFICE ASSET app was deve­lo­ped spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for ser­vice employees. It offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to retrie­ve ticket infor­ma­ti­on direct­ly at the ser­vice recipient’s loca­ti­on, to pro­cess tickets and to have the ser­vice reci­pi­ent con­firm the reso­lu­ti­on of the tickets by signature.

Goog­le Play

App Store

This app can­not be ope­ra­ted wit­hout an OFFICE ASSET ser­ver! Pair the OFFICE ASSET app with an OFFICE ASSET cloud account or an OFFICE ASSET on pre­mi­se installation.

Features of the OFFICE ASSET APP


The OFFICE ASSET App gives you mobi­le access to your tickets and IT asset data.

Main­tain assets

Scan and inven­to­ry IT assets in your organization.

Ser­vice Management

Pro­cess your tickets and tasks while you are with the cus­to­mer and even offline.

Record loca­ti­on

Use seam­less inte­gra­ti­on to your mobi­le device to get direct access to loca­ti­on and cont­act information.




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