FAQ – what is fre­quent­ly asked

What is this OFFICE ASSET and what can it do?
Ques­ti­ons about ques­ti­ons? No pro­blem!
Here are ans­wers to fre­quent­ly asked questions.

If you still can’t find the right ans­wer, we’ll be hap­py to help you per­so­nal­ly. Wri­te us via the cont­act form – we look for­ward to your message!


IT Asset Management

  • What does the acro­nym ITAM mean?

    ITAM means IT Asset Management.

  • What is IT Asset Manage­ment?

    IT Asset Manage­ment refers to a pro­cess for cap­tu­ring and mana­ging all IT assets of a company.

  • What does IT asset manage­ment soft­ware do?

    The IT asset manage­ment soft­ware mana­ges all IT assets available at a com­pa­ny, and all asso­cia­ted war­ran­ties. Indi­vi­du­al func­tions and views can be cus­to­mi­zed for each employee via defi­nable authorizations.

  • What is IT Asset Manage­ment Soft­ware nee­ded for?

    The IT asset manage­ment soft­ware records all IT assets of a com­pa­ny and mana­ges them. Assets can be tra­cked and mana­ged from acqui­si­ti­on to use and, ulti­m­ate­ly, dis­po­sal. All depart­ments have access to asset infor­ma­ti­on such as cost, loca­ti­on and con­di­ti­on, depen­ding on their authorization.

  • What does an IT asset manage­ment soft­ware opti­mi­ze?

    The IT asset manage­ment soft­ware opti­mi­zes the life­cy­cle of an IT asset within the com­pa­ny. From pro­cu­re­ment to use and, ulti­m­ate­ly, dis­po­sal, the asset can be tra­cked and mana­ged. In addi­ti­on, cos­ts can be saved by auto­ma­ting processes.


  • What is OFFICE ASSET?

    OFFICE ASSET is an IT asset manage­ment soft­ware with which all IT assets of a com­pa­ny can be map­ped and pro­ces­sed by all aut­ho­ri­zed employees. Thus, only one soft­ware is nee­ded for dif­fe­rent processes.

  • What do I need OFFICE ASSET for?

    With the incre­asing com­ple­xi­ty of IT infra­struc­tures, it is beco­ming more and more dif­fi­cult to main­tain an over­view of the assets used, such as hard­ware, soft­ware or peri­pherals. Howe­ver, this is not only important for IT mana­gers, help­desk staff and admi­nis­tra­tors – other com­pa­ny depart­ments such as con­trol­ling or purcha­sing also need relia­ble data in this regard.

  • What distin­gu­is­hes OFFICE ASSET from other soft­ware pro­vi­ders?

    With OFFICE ASSET, in addi­ti­on to map­ping your enti­re cor­po­ra­te struc­tu­re, all tech­ni­cal and com­mer­cial infor­ma­ti­on is also dis­play­ed in detail and assi­gned to spe­ci­fic users. This results in opti­mal manage­ment and con­trol of all IT assets over their enti­re life­cy­cle. A high degree of auto­ma­ti­on saves cos­ts and resour­ces. IT manage­ment, bud­ge­ting, plan­ning, IT ser­vice char­ging, con­tract and licen­se manage­ment and much more are opti­mal­ly sup­port­ed in their tasks and decisions.

  • How can I cus­to­mi­ze OFFICE ASSET for my com­pa­ny?

    That's an easy one: Becau­se you can make OFFICE ASSET you own and con­fi­gu­re it exact­ly the way you need it! Add modu­les as you need them, assign roles, assign rights and usa­ge opti­ons to employees and auto­ma­te your processes.

  • Who can work with OFFICE ASSET?

    Anyo­ne with a ter­mi­nal device with Inter­net access and a brow­ser can do it once they have the pro­per per­mis­si­ons. The fol­lo­wing depart­ments would be typi­cal: Con­trol­ling, Purcha­sing, Finan­ce, IT, Warehouse, Mar­ke­ting, Administration.

  • Are the­re inter­faces with other pro­grams?

    By default, OFFICE ASSET has import and export inter­faces to and from Excel, CSV and PDF.

  • In which lan­guages is OFFICE ASSET available?

    The IT asset manage­ment soft­ware can alre­a­dy be used in Ger­man, Eng­lish and French. We will be hap­py to add fur­ther lan­guages indi­vi­du­al­ly upon enquiry.

Working with OFFICE ASSET

  • Pri­cing of OFFICE ASSET

    OFFICE ASSET is char­ging by the num­ber of acti­ve assets. Smal­ler com­pa­nies will in fact have no cos­ts at first, cos­ts per module/use will accrue only with a more exten­si­ve use of OFFICE ASSET.

  • Does the sub­scrip­ti­on renew auto­ma­ti­cal­ly?

    No, OFFICE ASSET will inform you befo­re the sub­scrip­ti­on expi­res so that you can renew or chan­ge your sub­scrip­ti­on as needed.

  • How do I can­cel my OFFICE ASSET sub­scrip­ti­on?

    Befo­re the annu­al sub­scrip­ti­on expi­res, you can chan­ge the num­ber of assets and modu­les. It is not neces­sa­ry to can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on, as they do not renew auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. It's for you to decide.


  • What can I buy in the OFFICE ASSET store?

    OFFICE ASSET can be orde­red in modu­les so that you can deci­de which func­tions you need and how to adapt them to your company's requi­re­ments. Boo­king addi­tio­nal modu­les is pos­si­ble at any time. You can always upgrade.

  • How does the con­fi­gu­ra­tor work?

    In the con­fi­gu­ra­tor, sel­ect each modu­le you would like to licen­se and spe­ci­fy the num­ber of assets or users you need each modu­le for.

  • How do I book a modu­le?

    You can add a modu­le to an exis­ting licen­se or book a new licen­se at any time via our store in the configurator.

  • How can I can­cel my sub­scrip­ti­on?

    With us, you don't need to can­cel or think about dead­lines. Your licen­se expi­res after one year and you have to actively renew it. This is very easy and can be done with one click in your user account. Here you can also see how long your licen­se is still valid.

  • How can I chan­ge my sub­scrip­ti­on?

    You can extend your sub­scrip­ti­on in the con­fi­gu­ra­tor at any time, both by an enti­re modu­le and by the num­ber of boo­ked assets/users. If you no lon­ger need a modu­le or want to redu­ce the num­ber of assets/users, you can do so only after the cur­rent licen­se expi­res. Befo­re you extend your licen­se for ano­ther year, you can revi­se your configuration.

  • How can I move my sub­scrip­ti­on to ano­ther ser­ver?

    Ser­ver moves are no pro­blem with OFFICE ASSET. Move OFFICE ASSET with you and we will cont­act you to con­firm the move to pre­vent misu­se by third parties.

  • How do I get the free tri­al ver­si­on?

    For the free tri­al ver­si­on, sim­ply click on Tri­al ver­si­on in the store direct­ly on the home page and send us your com­pa­ny details - short­ly after­wards we will send you all the infor­ma­ti­on to the e-mail address you pro­vi­ded. You can also send us a mes­sa­ge direct­ly via cont­act form or chat.


  • Why are the­re dif­fe­rent modu­les?

    OFFICE ASSET can be orde­red in modu­les, so that the requi­red func­tions can be sel­ec­ted and adapt­ed to the company's requi­re­ments. An exten­si­on of the modu­les is pos­si­ble at any time. The update capa­bi­li­ty is always maintained. 

  • Can I com­bi­ne the modu­les?

    Abso­lut­e­ly! Each modu­le of OFFICE ASSET can be used sepa­ra­te­ly, but the bene­fits are grea­ter, espe­ci­al­ly in the auto­ma­ti­on of pro­ducts, when seve­ral modu­les are combined.


  • What is the Basic?

    Basic from OFFICE ASSET is an asset manage­ment sys­tem that can be used to record and mana­ge IT assets. Assets can be typed and clas­si­fied, orga­niza­tio­nal data can be stored and reports can be created.

PAM - Prin­ter Asset Management

  • What is the mea­ning of the abbre­via­ti­on PAM?

    PAM is the abbre­via­ti­on of Prin­ter Asset Management.

  • What is Prin­ter Asset Manage­ment?

    Prin­ter Asset Manage­ment auto­ma­ti­cal­ly reads prin­ter data, regard­less of and across all the manu­fac­tu­r­ers, and com­pi­les it in the form of reports as requi­red. On this basis, fur­ther pro­ces­ses can be trig­ge­red, some of which can be ful­ly auto­ma­ted, e.g., the orde­ring of consumables.

  • Who needs Prin­ter Asset Manage­ment Soft­ware (PAM)?

    PAM pro­vi­des cen­tral fleet manage­ment for prin­ters and enables an over­view of the quan­ti­ty of prin­ted pages, prin­ting cos­ts and print job ori­gi­na­tors. Prin­­ter-rela­­ted pro­ces­ses (e.g. orde­ring con­su­ma­bles) can be plan­ned, auto­ma­ted and moni­to­red. This redu­ces ope­ra­tio­nal cos­ts and mini­mi­zes mate­­ri­al-rela­­ted downtimes.

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