PAM – Prin­ter Asset Ma­na­ge­ment The PAM modu­le of the IT asset ma­na­ge­ment software

With our Prin­ter Asset Manage­ment you get a cen­tral fleet manage­ment for your prin­ters and get an over­view of prin­ting cos­ts and their origin.

In addi­ti­on, you can plan, auto­ma­te and moni­tor your prin­ter-rela­ted pro­ces­ses. This gives you the abili­ty to redu­ce ope­ra­tio­nal cos­ts and make bet­ter use of inter­nal resources.

  • Ven­dor-inde­pen­dent and cross-ven­dor auto­ma­tic rea­dout, manage­ment and report­ing of all spe­ci­fic data of a prin­ter fleet.
  • Gene­ra­ti­on of auto­ma­tic demands and allo­ca­ti­on of pages within com­pa­ny-spe­ci­fic parameters.
  • Indi­vi­du­al con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on of alarm groups, work­flow manage­ment and escala­ti­ons for free­ly defi­nable error conditions.


  • Up-to-date fleet over­view with all rele­vant orga­niza­tio­nal data
  • Auto­ma­tic just-in-time orde­ring of consumables
  • Avo­id­ance of unu­sed remai­ning stock
  • Detail­ed break­down of prin­ted pages by time peri­od, cost cen­ter and user
  • Ana­ly­sis of uti­liza­ti­on and usage
  • Noti­fi­ca­ti­on of main­ten­an­ce callouts
  • Orde­ring by mail or stan­dar­di­zed interface
  • Inte­gra­ti­on with other OFFICE ASSET modules


  • Own CRAW­LER for Win­dows, Linux and Raspber­ry Pi.



Over­view of prin­ter fleet
SNMP details
MPS frame­work agreements
Fenster schließen

Who requi­res PAM – prin­ter asset management

  • Con­trol­ling
  • Sales
  • Finan­ce
  • Purcha­sing
  • Admi­nis­tra­ti­on

potential issues

  • Each employee moni­tors his prin­ter hims­elf and reports mal­func­tions and a need for con­su­ma­bles to Purcha­sing hims­elf. The risk of long down­ti­mes and incor­rect orders is high. The con­se­quence is often a stock­pi­ling of con­su­ma­bles, but what if the prin­ter is exchanged?
  • The often very expen­si­ve con­su­ma­bles find no fur­ther use and must be dis­po­sed of.
  • Sto­rage also poses a risk of theft. The employee who has the same prin­ter at home may access it in the company.
  • The IT depart­ment as well as the purcha­sing depart­ment often have no over­view of prin­ters used in the com­pa­ny. Fur­ther­mo­re, the­re are no eva­lua­tions of prin­ting beha­vi­or and prin­ter uti­liza­ti­on. As a result, the fleet can be opti­mi­zed neither eco­lo­gi­cal­ly nor economically.
  • What if you have to sub­mit a quo­te and can’t print?

The solution

All cur­rent SNMP-enab­led net­work prin­ters can be read and pro­ces­sed by a dedi­ca­ted agent. The brow­ser-enab­led cen­tral basis sup­ports you in your admi­nis­tra­ti­ve work with exten­si­ve report­ing. It offers ana­ly­ses of prin­ted pages, con­su­med mate­ri­als and the tech­ni­cal con­di­ti­on of the devices. Thres­hold values and events can be indi­vi­du­al­ly defi­ned and enable spe­ci­fic reac­tions. Auto­ma­ti­cal­ly trig­ge­red reor­ders avo­id unneces­sa­ry stock­outs, and ser­vice staff can be noti­fied of repla­ce­ments on time. The use of stan­dard inter­faces to your sup­pli­ers and exten­si­ve import/export func­tions in various for­mats save time and pro­cess cos­ts. Thanks to the inte­gra­ti­on opti­ons with other OFFICE ASSET modu­les (Order, Con­trol­ling, Ser­vice, Asset Manage­ment), you have a com­pre­hen­si­ve tool at your fin­ger­tips that allows you to opti­mal­ly and com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly mana­ge your prin­ter landscape.

The suitable co-pilots

Co-Pilots PAM Order

Order and PAM

Trig­ger an appr­oval work­flow for auto­ma­tic demand notifications.

Co-Pilots PAM Contract

Con­tract and PAM

Depo­sit MPS con­tracts and bill them auto­ma­ti­cal­ly (per-page click prices).

Co-Pilots PAM Service

Ser­vice and PAM

Crea­te auto­ma­tic noti­fi­ca­ti­ons and tickets when an error or mal­func­tion is detected.

Co-Pilots PAM Partner

Part­ner and PAM

Store MPS purcha­se pri­ces, allo­wing you to eva­lua­te, e.g., mar­gins for indi­vi­du­al customers.

Order and PAMCon­tract and PAMSer­vice and PAMPart­ner and PAM

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