Con­tract Ma­na­ge­ment The CON­TRACT modu­le of the IT asset ma­na­ge­ment software

Con­tracts and agree­ments are at the main part of almost every busi­ness tran­sac­tion. They crea­te legal lia­bi­li­ties: Clau­ses, terms, dead­lines, obli­ga­ti­ons, and mile­sto­nes. IT orga­niza­ti­ons must mana­ge and track the­se throug­hout the con­tract life­cy­cle. This is the only way to maxi­mi­ze busi­ness bene­fits and mini­mi­ze risks and con­tract-rela­ted costs.

Con­tract or con­tract and lea­se manage­ment can be used to map the fol­lo­wing processes:

  • Manage­ment of a wide varie­ty of con­tracts and con­tract con­s­tructs such as frame­work and acces­si­on con­tracts or gua­ran­tees and care­packs.
  • Aler­ting with proac­ti­ve infor­ma­ti­on to the users by the frame­work e.g. befo­re expi­ring guarantees.
  • Accoun­ting opti­on and trans­fer to inter­nal cos­ts (acti­vi­ty allo­ca­ti­on) for spe­ci­fic types of con­tracts such as lea­sing or click con­tracts (For click con­tracts, the modu­le PAM is addi­tio­nal­ly required).


  • Nor­mal return
  • Ear­ly return
  • Lost returns
  • Take­over



Lea­sing voucher
Main­ten­an­ce agreements
Con­tract overview
Fenster schließen

Who requi­res con­tract management

  • Con­trol­ling
  • Sales
  • Finan­ce
  • Manage­ment
  • IT

potential issues

  • Manu­al track­ing and manage­ment of con­tract data such as noti­ce peri­ods and lea­se returns is pro­ne to errors. Espe­ci­al­ly with lea­sing, a pro­lon­ga­ti­on (exten­si­on) often means enorm­ous addi­tio­nal cos­ts, in addi­ti­on to pay­ing for “obso­le­te” hardware.
  • Docu­ments are stored, if at all on net­work fol­ders. A rights manage­ment, archi­ving, chan­ge track­ing is so hard­ly to ensure.
  • Com­ple­ted main­ten­an­ce con­tracts, war­ran­ty and addi­tio­nal ser­vices are often unknown and unneces­sa­ry cos­ts are caused.
  • Soft­ware licen­ses are purcha­sed spo­ra­di­cal­ly, an actu­al need of the com­pa­ny is often unknown. An audit can result in seve­re pen­al­ties. The­re is no cen­tral place to record the amount of licen­ses and match them with the real need by the IT assets.


The solution

The Con­tract Manage­ment modu­le grants com­ple­te con­trol over sup­pli­er con­tracts. It sup­ports a varie­ty of con­tract types, such as order, ren­tal, lea­sing, main­ten­an­ce, licen­se, and user-defi­ned con­tracts. It links the con­trac­tu­al rela­ti­onship to ser­vice level agree­ments and sup­pli­er con­tracts, pro­vi­ding per­for­mance para­me­ters as a basis for ren­ego­tia­ting sup­pli­er terms. Con­tract terms are stored in a data­ba­se, ensu­ring com­pli­ance with cor­po­ra­te and purcha­sing poli­ci­es. Auto­ma­tic noti­fi­ca­ti­ons help con­trol dead­lines and ensu­re com­pli­ance with agree­ments. They redu­ce manu­al admi­nis­tra­ti­ve work and thus increase effi­ci­en­cy at work.

With Con­tract Manage­ment, you also have an over­view of your company’s lea­sing and ren­tal cos­ts. All rele­vant data of a lea­se is taken into account. In addi­ti­on to the asset type and coun­try-spe­ci­fic fac­tors, this also includes the agree­ments that have been made with the les­sor for the spe­ci­fic return types. When a lea­se expi­res, the neces­sa­ry steps are sup­port­ed direct­ly. Func­tions such as resi­du­al value cal­cu­la­ti­on, coll­ec­tion orders, new pro­cu­re­ment or even con­tract exten­si­ons are map­ped trans­par­ent­ly. Lea­sing con­di­ti­ons can alre­a­dy be taken into account in the requi­re­ment pha­se, and resul­ting invoice docu­ments are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly assi­gned to an alter­na­ti­ve invoice reci­pi­ent. Lea­se cos­ts can be allo­ca­ted direct­ly to inter­nal acti­vi­ty allo­ca­ti­on and dis­play­ed even befo­re procurement.

The suitable co-pilots

Co-Pilots PAM Contract

PAM and Contract

Depo­sit MPS con­tracts and bill auto­ma­ti­cal­ly (per-page click prices).

PAM and Contract

Mitglied im Händlerbund fair-commerce
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