IT Con­trol­ling The CON­TROL modul of the IT asset ma­na­ge­ment software

Module IT Control

In many com­pa­nies, neither IT cos­ts nor their dis­tri­bu­ti­on are trans­pa­rent. The­re is also rare­ly an allo­ca­ti­on of cos­ts to busi­ness pro­ces­ses. It is the­r­e­fo­re dif­fi­cult to unco­ver poten­ti­al savings. The red pen is often appli­ed arbi­tra­ri­ly. Howe­ver, ill-con­side­red cuts end­an­ger the future via­bi­li­ty of the company.

The Con­trol modu­le offers:

  • Eva­lua­ti­on of various cost and per­for­mance facets such as sys­tem- or user-depen­dent dyna­mic and fixed costs.
  • Con­trol and pre­sen­ta­ti­on of dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves, e.g. by ori­gi­na­tor, pro­du­cer or financier.
  • Over­view of all ser­vices which were car­ri­ed out within the com­pa­ny as well as the rela­ti­onship to any exter­nal costs.


  • Con­trol over pri­ma­ry and secon­da­ry costs
  • Finan­cing and lea­sing costs
  • User-depen­dent costs
  • Sys­tem-depen­dent costs
  • Dyna­mic costs



Cost rate
Ticket cost rate
Fenster schließen

Who requi­res control

  • Con­trol­ling
  • Finan­ce
  • Manage­ment
  • IT


potential issues

  • Con­trol­lers and super­vi­sors have no con­trol over cos­ts incur­red by their cost cen­ters (department/projects/etc.). Sup­port requests to a high-cost IT depart­ment can­not be tra­cked and char­ged intern­al­ly. The­re is no way to iden­ti­fy who within the com­pa­ny is incur­ring the most cos­ts from IT support.

The solution

The­r­e­fo­re, IT con­trol­ling is requi­red that records direct and indi­rect cos­ts and ser­vices and enables effi­ci­ent and effec­ti­ve allo­ca­ti­on and char­ging. With OFFICE ASSET, the IT depart­ment can act as an inter­nal pro­fit cen­ter: For exam­p­le, it can dis­tri­bu­te its cos­ts to the users on a month­ly basis in a ful­ly auto­ma­ted man­ner and accor­ding to the source, thus reli­e­ving its own cost cen­ter. In doing so, you can free­ly defi­ne and assign your cos­ts and acti­vi­ty types.

The suitable co-pilots

Co-Pilots Service IT Control

Ser­vice and IT Control

Depo­sit the cost of each ser­vice to have it cal­cu­la­ted automatically.

Co-Pilots IT Control Order

Order and IT Control

Allo­ca­te cos­ts by purcha­se orders to the respec­ti­ve cost cen­ters (as originators).

Ser­vice and IT Con­trolOrder and IT Control

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