The Base The Data­ba­se of our IT Asset Ma­na­ge­ment Software

Every com­pa­ny, just like any manage­ment soft­ware, needs a good foun­da­ti­on!
With the rising com­ple­xi­ty of IT infra­struc­tures, it beco­mes dif­fi­cult to keep track of the assets used, such as hard­ware, soft­ware or peri­pherals. The demands on hard­ware are con­stant­ly incre­asing. New appli­ca­ti­ons or ver­si­ons requi­re new hard­ware. In some cases, it is enough to replace hard disks or RAM.

Other sys­tems need to be com­ple­te­ly repla­ced in order to work effi­ci­ent­ly. It is almost impos­si­ble to keep track of ever­y­thing here. Howe­ver, an over­view of IT assets is not only important for IT mana­gers, help­desk and admi­nis­tra­tors – other com­pa­ny depart­ments such as con­trol­ling or purcha­sing also need relia­ble data from IT. This is sup­port­ed by IT Asset Manage­ment.

Our BASIS includes:

  • The cen­tral CMDB is a basic com­po­nent of all modu­les and is included with every instal­la­ti­on and specification.
  • Addi­tio­nal modu­les can be inte­gra­ted and acti­va­ted at run­time and wit­hout major instal­la­ti­on effort.
  • A com­mon data­ba­se used by all modu­les ensu­res the avo­id­ance of red­un­dan­ci­es, high data qua­li­ty and pro­cess reliability.

potential issues

  • The IT depart­ment curr­ent­ly mana­ges the IT inven­to­ry in Excel lists. The­re are many ver­si­ons of the­se, seve­ral peo­p­le can­not work coope­ra­tively, access can­not be rest­ric­ted to indi­vi­du­al peo­p­le or data. The­re is no archi­ving and com­plex eva­lua­ti­on opti­ons, chan­ges to the data are not traceable and audi­ta­bi­li­ty is not guaranteed.




Warehouse stock
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Who requi­res IT Asset Management?

Every depart­ment that can use OFFICE ASSET:

  • IT
  • Warehouse
  • Sales
  • Con­trol­ling
  • Purcha­sing
  • Admi­nis­tra­ti­on
  • Finan­ce


IT assets

  • Cap­tu­re and mana­ge all enter­pri­se IT assets
  • Typ­ing and clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on e.g. by type or material

Orga­niza­ti­on data

  • Map­ping of the enti­re com­pa­ny struc­tu­re such as cost cen­ters, com­pa­ny codes or busi­ness units
  • Fle­xi­ble map­ping of orga­niza­tio­nal data and IT assets in containers


  • Map­ping the docu­ment flow from requi­si­ti­on, to purcha­se order, to invoice
  • Advan­ced docu­ments such as care­packs or warranties


  • Fle­xi­ble, cus­to­mizable report­ing with exten­si­ve export functionality
  • Crea­ti­on of own KPIs and charts for the user-indi­vi­du­al OFFICE ASSET, also as export


  • Exe­cu­ti­on of all IMAC/RD processes
  • Includes exten­si­ve histo­ry and traceability

Basis inter­faces

  • Self-con­fi­gura­ble base inter­faces such as openTRANS
  • Com­pre­hen­si­ve imports and exports in various for­mats (e.g. CSV, XLS, XML, etc…)
  • E-mails, web services,…

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