
Signi­fi­cant Bit Soft­ware AG

Signi­fi­cant Bit Soft­ware AG
Carl-Metz-Str. 4
76275 Ett­lin­gen

Pho­ne +49 7243 348 854 – 0
Web https://​www​.sibi​tag​.com
E-Mail [email protected]

Board of Direc­tors:
Paul Cvil­ak, Andre­as Fink
Super­vi­so­ry Board:
Nico­le Cvil­ak, Alex­an­der Höger, Yvonne Cvil­ak
Regis­tered office of the com­pa­ny:

Local Court Mann­heim,
HRB 726031
VAT ID: DE197240186

We are a mem­ber of the initia­ti­ve “Fair­Com­mer­ce” sin­ce 01.12.2020.
For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit www​.fair​-com​mer​ce​.de.

1. con­tent of the online offer

The aut­hor reser­ves the right not to be respon­si­ble for the topi­cal­i­ty, cor­rect­ness, com­ple­ten­ess or qua­li­ty of the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded. Lia­bi­li­ty claims against the aut­hor, which refer to mate­ri­al or imma­te­ri­al natu­re cau­sed by use or disu­se of the infor­ma­ti­on or the use of incor­rect or incom­ple­te infor­ma­ti­on are excluded, unless the aut­hor is not inten­tio­nal or gross­ly negli­gent fault.

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The aut­hor is not respon­si­ble for any con­tents lin­ked or refer­red to from his pages – unless he has full know­ledge of ille­gal con­tents and would be able to pre­vent the visi­tors of his site from­vie­w­ing tho­se pages.

The aut­hor her­eby express­ly decla­res that at the time the links were crea­ted, no ille­gal con­tent was iden­ti­fia­ble on the lin­ked pages. The aut­hor has no influence on the cur­rent and future design, con­tent or aut­hor­ship of the lin­ked pages. The­r­e­fo­re, he her­eby express­ly dis­so­cia­tes hims­elf from all con­tents of all lin­ked pages that were chan­ged after the link was set. This state­ment appli­es to all links and refe­ren­ces set within the author’s own Inter­net offer as well as to exter­nal ent­ries in guest books, dis­cus­sion forums, link direc­to­ries, mai­ling lists and all other forms of data­ba­ses set up by the aut­hor to which exter­nal wri­te access is pos­si­ble. For ille­gal, incor­rect or incom­ple­te con­tents and espe­ci­al­ly for dama­ges resul­ting from the use or non-use of such infor­ma­ti­on, only the pro­vi­der of the lin­ked page is lia­ble, not the one who has lin­ked to the respec­ti­ve publication.


3. copy­right and trade­mark law

The aut­hor endea­vors to obser­ve the copy­rights of the images, gra­phics, sound docu­ments, video sequen­ces and texts used in all publi­ca­ti­ons, to use images, gra­phics, sound docu­ments, video sequen­ces and texts crea­ted by hims­elf or to use licen­se-free gra­phics, sound docu­ments, video sequen­ces and texts.

All brand names and trade­marks men­tio­ned on the web­site and pos­si­bly pro­tec­ted by third par­ties are sub­ject wit­hout rest­ric­tion to the pro­vi­si­ons of the appli­ca­ble trade­mark law and the owner­ship rights of the respec­ti­ve regis­tered owners. The mere men­ti­on of a trade­mark does not imply that it is not pro­tec­ted by the rights of third parties!

The copy­right for published objects crea­ted by the aut­hor hims­elf remains sole­ly with the aut­hor of the pages. Any dupli­ca­ti­on or use of objects such as dia­grams, sounds or texts in other elec­tro­nic or prin­ted publi­ca­ti­ons is not per­mit­ted wit­hout the author’s agreement.

jobs icon png from png​tree​.com
Icons made by Freepik from www​.fla​ti​con​.com
Video von cot­ton­bro von Pexels
Video von 
fau­xels von Pexels
Video von Wolf­gang Lan­ger von Pexels
Video von 
Press­mas­ter von Pexels
Icons made by Becris from www​.fla​ti​con​.com


4. data protection

If the oppor­tu­ni­ty for the input of per­so­nal or busi­ness data (email addres­ses, name, addres­ses) is given, the input of the­se data takes place vol­un­t­a­ri­ly. The use and pay­ment of all offe­red ser­vices are per­mit­ted – if and so far tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble and reasonable – wit­hout spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of any per­so­nal data or under spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of anony­mi­zed data or an ali­as. The use of published pos­tal addres­ses, tele­pho­ne or fax num­bers and email addres­ses for mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses is pro­hi­bi­ted, offen­ders sen­ding unwan­ted spam mes­sa­ges will be punis­hed. We express­ly reser­ve the right to take legal action against the sen­ders of so-cal­led spam mails in the event of vio­la­ti­ons of this prohibition.


5. legal vali­di­ty of this disclaimer

This dis­clai­mer is to be regard­ed as part of the inter­net publi­ca­ti­on which you were refer­red from. If sec­tions or indi­vi­du­al terms of this state­ment are not legal or cor­rect, the con­tent or vali­di­ty of the other parts remain unin­fluen­ced by this fact.

6. EU Regu­la­ti­on on the Online Sett­le­ment of Con­su­mer Disputes.

EU Regu­la­ti­on No. 524/2013

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