

FAQ, release notes, core updates, the latest craw­ler as well as our news­let­ter – you can find all this under our services.


Find the right ans­wer to open ques­ti­ons quick­ly – of cour­se we are also hap­py to help personally!

Here’s the FAQ

Re­lease Notes & Core Up­dates

With each update, impro­ve­ments and bug fixes are made, but also a few novel­ties are added to OFFICE ASSET. Novel­ties and impro­ve­ments may only be used if they are part of a cor­re­spon­ding licen­se agree­ment with the respec­ti­ve soft­ware provider.

Go here for the release notes & core updates


The latest ver­si­on of our craw­ler for down­load and the cur­rent sys­tem requi­re­ments. Also: infor­ma­ti­on about the pre­vious ver­si­ons with the most important chan­ges and end date of support.

Here’s the crawler

Vi­deo Tu­to­ri­als

In the near future, you will find a sel­ec­tion of video tuto­ri­als on various appli­ca­ti­on opti­ons and the modu­les.
If you have any ques­ti­ons about OFFICE ASSET, feel free to check out our online tuto­ri­al


You have ques­ti­ons about OFFICE ASSET?
Then take a look at our online help, the­re you can also search for spe­ci­fic keywords.

Here’s the online help


Loo­king for­ward to the latest updates of OFFICE ASSET, to see the new design chan­ges before­hand or just to get a cool spe­cial offer? Then sign up for our news­let­ter – you deci­de which topics you want to recei­ve info on!

Go here to sign up for the newsletter


Are the­re any ques­ti­ons left or do you have a spe­ci­fic request?
Join us via the cont­act form!

Here’s the cont­act form

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