OFFICE ASSET IT Asset Ma­na­ge­ment Software

Our IT Asset Manage­ment Soft­ware (ITAM) sup­ports you as a modu­lar all-in-one solu­ti­on in opti­mi­zing your busi­ness processes.

All com­mer­cial pro­ces­ses are con­trol­led and docu­men­ted digi­tal­ly. You always keep track of the cos­ts and effi­ci­en­cy of your IT equip­ment, soft­ware, licen­ses and con­tracts throug­hout their enti­re life­cy­cle – from purcha­sing to recycling.

Prin­ter infor­ma­ti­on were read out ful­ly auto­ma­ticly. If neces­sa­ry, requi­red Sup­pli­es will be orde­red befo­re an expen­si­ve fail­ure occurs.

Your help­desk requests are recor­ded cen­tral­ly and can be resol­ved by defi­nable teams. Exten­si­ve eva­lua­tions enable the iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of fre­quent­ly occur­ring mes­sa­ges. The­se are the basic items for a stan­dar­di­zed solu­ti­ons. The modu­lar struc­tu­re of OFFICE ASSET enables indi­vi­du­al adapt­a­ti­on of the IT asset manage­ment soft­ware to the requi­re­ments of your com­pa­ny.

digi­tal workflows
cloud and web based
all-in-one solu­ti­on

The modules

OrderDocu­men­ta­ti­on of the com­ple­te pro­cu­re­ment pro­cess, from requi­si­ti­on to dyna­mic appr­oval stages, order, deli­very, goods receipt, and termination.

Orde­ring of ser­vices, such as instal­la­ti­ons, user aut­ho­riza­ti­ons and eShop access.

PAMVen­dor-inde­pen­dent manage­ment of the prin­ter fleet with an exten­si­ve report­ing for usa­ge, uti­liza­ti­on and efficiency.

Start auto­ma­ted work­flows, such as orde­ring, ser­vice request or cost accoun­ting based on the print data evaluations.

Ser­viceCon­trol and moni­to­ring of all ser­vice and help­desk pro­ces­ses with indi­vi­du­al­ly cus­to­mizable work­flows for mul­ti­ple cli­ents. Deploya­ble for ser­vice pro­vi­ders or in-house use. 





Con­tractDocu­men­ta­ti­on and moni­to­ring of dif­fe­rent types of con­tracts (licen­se, lea­sing, main­ten­an­ce, war­ran­ty) with auto­mata­ble alarm noti­fi­ca­ti­on befo­re con­tract end.

Part­nerExten­si­on for com­pa­nies, which want to offer asset manage­ment and, in par­ti­cu­lar, prin­ter ser­vices as a service.

Simp­le Wcli­ent and user manage­ment, inte­gra­ti­on of addi­tio­nal ser­vice teams and exten­si­ve bil­ling opti­ons for all ser­vices provided.

IT Con­trolAllo­ca­ti­on and char­ging of all pri­ma­ry and secon­da­ry cos­ts of the IT depart­ment to the cor­re­spon­ding source.

Free defi­nable acti­vi­ty types and ana­ly­sis of incur­red cos­ts from dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves (ori­gi­na­tor, pro­du­cer or busi­ness owner).

Web-basedSAAS and on pre­mi­seCen­tral data sto­rageExten­si­ve CMDB foun­da­ti­onExten­si­ve inter­facesMul­ti­l­in­gu­al


OFFICE ASSET pro­vi­des a glo­bal, bro­w­­ser-based access wit­hout having to install any appli­ca­ti­on. You don’t even need any brow­ser add-on or plug­in. We use a lar­ge Rich Cli­ent with pos­si­bi­li­ties that go far bey­ond a nor­mal web­site. You also bene­fit from cen­tra­li­zed updates, so the­re are no dif­fe­ring ver­si­ons bet­ween users.

SAAS and on premise

Our soft­ware as a ser­vice (SaaS) solu­ti­ons are hos­ted in Ger­ma­ny and pro­vi­de gua­ran­teed relia­bi­li­ty and data pro­tec­tion. Easi­ly con­nect local ser­vices (SNMP, MS Graph, SCCM, etc.) to the cloud with our ASSET Craw­ler. You won’t miss any of your tools! Own infra­struc­tu­re? No pro­blem, host our appli­ca­ti­on on your own resour­ces and capa­bi­li­ties. You will recei­ve regu­lar updates and fea­ture enhance­ments regard­less of your cho­sen platform!

Central data storage

Always see what’s going on! No delay bet­ween data input and out­put. OFFICE ASSET is per­fect for con­trol­ling and busi­ness intel­li­gence sys­tems becau­se it lets you crea­te manu­al reports based on our report­ing sys­tem and sends them out auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. We mini­mi­ze secu­ri­ty risks: you and OFFICE ASSET wil always know whe­re data belong.

Extensive CMDB foundation

Our exten­si­ve Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on Manage­ment Data­ba­se (CMDB) is a solid foun­da­ti­on becau­se not­hing works wit­hout a data­ba­se. The CMDB is more than just a pure inven­to­ry of the exis­ting com­pa­ny struc­tu­re. It pres­ents all infor­ma­ti­on on tech­ni­cal and com­mer­cial depart­ments in detail and to which spe­ci­fic users they are assigned.

Extensive interfaces

Con­nect exis­ting ser­vices as data sources (LDAP, Micro­soft SCCM, MS Graph API, SNMP, OCS Inven­to­ry*, HP SDS, and many more) as you see fit! Cus­to­mi­ze the exis­ting inter­faces with free­ly con­fi­gura­ble opti­ons. Open up unli­mi­t­ed pos­si­bi­li­ties with our plug­in sys­tem. In addi­ti­on, we pro­vi­de a fric­tion­less con­nec­tion to exter­nal web­shops (OCI) and sup­pli­ers (Open­Trans, BMECat).

*available soon


OFFICE ASSET is inter­na­tio­nal! Our IT Asset Manage­ment Soft­ware is curr­ent­ly available in Ger­man, Eng­lish and French. Talk to us about adding addi­tio­nal lan­guages to your platform!


With OFFICE ASSET, you can estab­lish free­ly defi­nable work­flows and actions for the most important sec­tions of your IT assets life­cy­cle, such as plan­ning, pro­cu­re­ment, pro­vi­si­on, use, main­ten­an­ce, repla­ce­ment, decom­mis­sio­ning and recy­cling. The­se enable effi­ci­ent and cost-opti­mi­zed use of IT assets in your com­pa­ny. Detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about the com­pa­ny-spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments of the IT assets enables pre­cise plan­ning of new procurement.

A well-timed repla­ce­ment of sup­pli­es and spa­re parts redu­ces the time of nonu­se and employee frus­tra­ti­on. A lar­ge-sca­le report­ing of the cos­ts of your IT assets and the­re ope­ra­ting resour­ces crea­tes plan­ning relia­bi­li­ty. This is the basis for effec­ti­ve employee management.


Com­pa­nies of all sizes and indus­tri­al sec­tors trust in our soft­ware! By using OFFICE ASSET from indi­vi­du­al modu­les to the com­ple­te solu­ti­on we could alre­a­dy con­vin­ce the fol­lo­wing top cus­to­mers.
Here you can look at more reviews of our gre­at customers.


free trial

animation man with diagram

With our free demo tri­al, all func­tions of OFFICE ASSET can be tes­ted for 90 days wit­hout any rest­ric­tions. The included demo data allows a rea­li­stic busi­ness sce­na­rio. You may insert your desi­red data to OFFICE ASSET. If you deci­de to use OFFICE ASSET after the tri­al peri­od has expi­red, the demo cli­ent will be dele­ted, but all your the data will be preserved.

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