Release Notes New fea­tures, impro­ve­ments and bugfixing

We are con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping OFFICE ASSET to make it even easier and more intui­ti­ve to use. With the upco­ming update, we pro­vi­de some novel­ties, impro­ve exis­ting pro­ces­ses and fix errors that have occurred.

New fea­tures and impro­ve­ments may only be used if they are part of a cor­re­spon­ding licen­se agree­ment with the respec­ti­ve soft­ware pro­vi­der. Due to the pro­vi­si­on of soft­ware updates of the OFFICE ASSET APP via third-par­ty pro­vi­ders (App Store and Goog­le Play Store), the­re may be delays in the update.

What exact­ly you can expect, you can always read here or sim­ply sub­scri­be to our News­let­ter to never miss any news!

Core Updates design changes and new features


With each core update comes major chan­ges for OFFICE ASSET. The­se include not only easier use, new reports and pro­ces­ses, but also design chan­ges and new fea­tures. You can always read about what exact­ly to expect here, or sim­ply sub­scri­be to our news­let­ter to never miss a new feature!


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