Symbol: Achtung

Core Update 9.0

Core Update Release December 2020 - January 2021

With the upcoming Core Update, improvements and bug fixes will be made, but also a few novelties will be added:

  • Extension password conventions
  • Sorting function for favorite widgets on the dashboard
  • Design changes in the menu barDesign-Ände­run­gen in der Menüleiste

You will receive more information and the exact date of the Core Update in the next newsletter. Novelties and improvements may only be used if they are part of a corresponding license agreement with the respective software provider.

Erwei­te­rung Pass­wort Konventionen

Admi­nis­tra­tors can defi­ne pass­word con­ven­ti­ons that, in addi­ti­on to the exis­ting vali­di­ty peri­ods of the pass­word groups, allow the com­ple­xi­ty of a pass­word to be deter­mi­ned. This includes e.g.

  • length or num­ber of characters
  • the use of upper and lower case letters
  • digits
  • spe­cial characters
  • check for the x last used passwords

The user is remin­ded of the­se con­ven­ti­ons when set­ting a new pass­word. The ente­red pass­word is che­cked against the set con­ven­ti­on. If a new con­ven­ti­on inva­li­da­tes exis­ting pass­words, log­in is still allo­wed, but the user is prompt­ed to chan­ge their pass­word accor­ding to the con­ven­ti­on. In addi­ti­on, a pass­word can be ran­dom­ly crea­ted with the new con­di­ti­ons (reset pass­word, etc.).

Sort­ing func­tion for favo­ri­te wid­gets on the dashboard
With the new sort­ing func­tion, the posi­tio­ning of two favo­ri­te wid­gets can be swap­ped with each other.
Click and hold the wid­get you want to move. Drag the mou­se to the posi­ti­on whe­re you want to place the sel­ec­ted wid­get. Release the widget.
The two wid­gets have swap­ped positions.
To dele­te a wid­get from the Favo­ri­tes bar, right-click the wid­get and con­firm in the pop-up win­dow: Remo­ve Favorite.
The favo­ri­tes move up to the vaca­ted spot.
To add a new favo­ri­te, drag'n'drop the desi­red menu item into the favo­ri­tes bar.

The pre­vious menu bar. Sin­ce two reports can be dis­play­ed one below the other with the update, space must be crea­ted and the affi­lia­ti­on of the action but­tons must be made clear. For the per­so­nal con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, two vari­ants are offe­red, which can be swit­ched bet­ween at any time.
First vari­ant: The menu bar is still fold­ed out, only the vari­ants, Load/Update and Export have been repositioned.
The Load/Update and Export actions are now available as quick sel­ec­tion buttons.
Set­tings to the colum­ns of the report can be con­fi­gu­red using the but­ton on the right of each report.
The vari­ants can be chan­ged via the main menu > Settings.
Deac­ti­va­te the "Dis­play action bars as menu" check­box for vari­ant 2. After each chan­ge, the open tab must be reopened.
Second vari­ant: The menu bar is only dis­play­ed as a drop­down menu with the respec­ti­ve column titles.
With a click, all actions that are also available in the first vari­ant can be expanded.
First vari­ant: The menu bar is dis­play­ed as usual.
Second vari­ant: Save, Save and Exit, Dele­te and Reset are only dis­play­ed as but­tons. The menu bar is available as a drop-down menu.

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