Order Manage­ment The modu­le ORDER of the IT asset ma­na­ge­ment software

The pro­cu­re­ment pro­cess in IT is beco­ming incre­asing­ly com­plex. Inco­ming deli­veries include important infor­ma­ti­on about com­pon­ents, cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic adapt­a­ti­ons or services.

Fre­quent­ly, an elec­tro­nic purcha­sing por­tal (ePro­cu­re­ment) is also requi­red, which can come from con­trac­tors. Deli­very often occurs through dif­fe­rent chan­nels, which con­tri­bu­tes to confusion.

With the Order Manage­ment modu­le, you can track the orde­ring pro­cess from start to finish: From demand ent­ry to dyna­mic, mul­ti-step appr­ovals, orde­ring, deli­very, and recei­ving to instal­la­ti­on, the enti­re pro­cu­re­ment pro­cess is sup­port­ed electronically.

Through intel­li­gent pro­cess con­trol, secu­re and cost-effec­ti­ve pro­cu­re­ment is ensu­red. The poten­ti­al for errors is signi­fi­cant­ly minimized.


  • Manage­ment of all pro­cu­re­ment and appr­oval pro­ces­ses of a com­pa­ny and auto­ma­tic pro­cess control.
  • Inter­nal and exter­nal mate­ri­al cata­logs, aut­ho­riza­ti­on con­cepts and appr­oval con­trol accor­ding to ver­ti­cal and hori­zon­tal cor­po­ra­te structure.
  • Spe­cial employee / end user front­end with eShop and own device- and work­sta­tion view with news and support.
  • The Order Modu­le can also be used with our app direct­ly on site!


  • Requi­re­ments, instal­la­ti­on and return processes
  • Moni­to­ring of pro­cu­re­ment budgets
  • Elec­tro­nic IT cata­log (OCI with punch-out capability)
  • Orde­ring pro­ces­ses for hard­ware, soft­ware, ser­vices, user accounts and rights, map­ping of the inter­nal ser­vice catalog
  • Appr­oval pro­ces­ses (work­flows)
  • Goods receipt processes
  • Inte­gra­ti­on opti­on in sys­tem manage­ment sys­tems (e.g. SCCM, instal­la­ti­on and uninstallation)
  • Inte­gra­ti­on opti­on in ERP sys­tems (e.g. open­TRANS inter­face to SAP for purcha­se orders and goods receipt postings)
  • Inte­gra­ted warehouse management



eShop over­view
Items in the eShop
Requi­si­ti­ons report
Fenster schließen

Who requi­res Order Management

  • Con­trol­ling
  • Sales
  • Finan­ce
  • IT
  • Purcha­sing
  • Mar­ke­ting
  • Admi­nis­tra­ti­on

potential issues

  • The user places the demand when purcha­sing. The lat­ter looks for the che­a­pest device. The tech­ni­cal details are not coor­di­na­ted with IT. This leads to pro­blems during com­mis­sio­ning and integration.
  • The­re is no uni­form and coor­di­na­ted shop­ping cart. The­r­e­fo­re, the depart­ment mana­ger or super­vi­sor takes care of it hims­elf, alt­hough this should be con­trol­led cen­tral­ly. The­re is no docu­men­ted appr­oval pro­cess. Ques­ti­ons such as “why” or “for what” ari­se, caus­ing ambi­gui­ty in each indi­vi­du­al case.
  • Inter­nal ser­vices are also often orde­red direct­ly by mail wit­hout being cle­ar­ly defi­ned or appro­ved. The effort for the IT ser­vice is not traceable.
  • Purcha­sers are sent links from online stores as pro­duct infor­ma­ti­on for pro­cu­re­ment. With most­ly unspe­ci­fic data, they have to order awk­ward­ly from part­ly unknown sup­pli­ers. This often leads to fol­low-up pro­blems in accoun­ting, etc.


The solution

In addi­ti­on to orde­ring items, Order Manage­ment also offers the opti­on of reques­t­ing or can­ce­ling ser­vices and authorizations/accounts. The descrip­ti­on of the ser­vices can be indi­vi­du­al­ly desi­gned and pro­vi­ded with inter­nal bil­ling rates (IT Con­trol modu­le). For exam­p­le, you can offer a stan­dard work­sta­tion in the cata­log that con­sists of seve­ral items and con­ta­ins bil­ling rates for instal­la­ti­on ser­vices. In this exam­p­le, the reques­ters see neither the indi­vi­du­al item descrip­ti­ons nor the purcha­se pri­ces, but only the ser­vice descrip­ti­on with the one-time or peri­odic bil­ling rate.

The suitable Co-Pilots

Co-Pilots PAM Order

PAM and Order

Trig­ger an appr­oval work­flow for auto­ma­tic demand notifications.

Co-Pilotsn Service Order

Ser­vice and Order

Order inter­nal ser­vices, appro­ve them and enter them direct­ly as an order.

Co-Pilots IT Control Order

IT Con­trol and Order

Allo­ca­te cos­ts by purcha­se order to the respec­ti­ve cost cen­ters (as originators).

PAM and OrderSer­vice and OrderIT Con­trol and Order
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