Release Notes 10.12

Update available for cloud systems as of April 22, 2024
Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

With the MS Graph inter­face, you can now set which data should be impor­ted (assets, peo­p­le or users).

The­re is now an expe­ri­men­tal AI con­nec­tion for con­su­ma­bles forecasting.
Cer­tain >SNMP data can now also be dis­play­ed on >PAM e-mails.
Bug fixed: The cumu­la­ti­ve month­ly eva­lua­ti­on can­not be created.

Bug fixed: File attach­ments to request mes­sa­ges can­not be down­loa­ded under cer­tain circumstances.

Main­ten­an­ce of the lea­sing fac­tors impro­ved in order to be able to hand­le lar­ge amounts of data.

The map view now also dis­plays mul­ti­ple tickets at the same address.
New con­trol­ling report for recor­ded ser­vices to tickets.
Bug fixed: Incor­rect mes­sa­ge when dele­ting the ticket sub­mit­ter.

The­re is now a cli­ent-wide report on all instal­led sup­pli­es of the customers.

Roles can now also be copied and sup­ple­men­ted with functions. 
In future, no inac­ti­ve objects can be used in imports.
A prompt now appears when a dash­board wid­get is deleted.
Bug fixed: The last log­in date for sin­gle sign-on is not set.
Bug fixed: The total num­ber of exis­ting dash­board wid­gets is not cor­rect­ly taken into account.

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