Release Notes 10.13

Update available for cloud systems as of May 13, 2024
Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

Bug fixed: MS-Graph inter­face can­not hand­le if a user to be crea­ted alre­a­dy exists.

Scan­ned pages can now also be bil­led via MPS con­tracts.
Prin­ter data can now also be queried via the Lex­mark Cloud. The Lex­mark Cloud replaces a local craw­ler installation.
The trig­ge­ring of a work­flow when a thres­hold value is excee­ded or fal­len below has been made more stable.
The con­trol report for thres­hold values that has been excee­ded or fal­len below has been opti­mi­zed for the detec­tion of remai­ning days.

Indi­vi­du­al items can now be excluded from appr­oval steps.

The Ticket API has been chan­ged to Ver­si­on 2 to bet­ter hand­le mul­ti­ple indi­ca­tors. Ver­si­on 1 of end­points has been mark­ed as depre­ca­ted and will be remo­ved in a future release!
Indi­ca­tors can now also be stored on recur­ring tickets.
The labels have been stan­dar­di­zed in various reports and forms.
For the mass chan­ge of tickets, the fil­ters that have alre­a­dy been appli­ed are now adopted from the ticket report.
In various ticket reports the exter­nal refe­rence was added as dis­play­ed column.
The indi­ca­tors of tickets can now be car­ri­ed out via mass chan­ge.
Bug fixed: Not all tickets of a sel­ec­ted asset are dis­play­ed, depen­ding on the user's cost cen­ter restrictions.

API end­points can now be aut­ho­ri­zed sepa­ra­te­ly for spe­ci­fic users

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