Release Notes 10.14

Update available for cloud systems as of May 31, 2024
Symbol: New Features
New Features
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfix

Bug fixed: Main­ten­an­ce groups can­not be assi­gned cor­rect­ly via the API.

API end­points to be able to trans­fer data on con­su­ma­bles from exter­nal systems.
The AI for pre­dic­ting con­su­ma­bles data has been optimized.
The eva­lua­ti­on of the seri­al num­ber for con­su­ma­bles has been optimized.
Allo­ca­ti­on of coun­ters to lar­ge and small pages optimized.
The mate­ri­al con­sump­ti­on now bet­ter eva­lua­tes the last known fill level.
The MPS page accoun­ting is now also com­ple­te­ly eva­lua­ted if prin­ters were igno­red for indi­vi­du­al days.
Bug fixed: SNMP sys­tem names can no lon­ger be transferred.

Bug fixed: Main­ten­an­ce for lea­sing fac­tors incorrect.

A per­so­nal email signa­tu­re can now be stored for tech­ni­ci­ans.
You can now set whe­ther emails are sent in cc or bcc.
The sta­tus chan­ge screen now shows who will be infor­med by email.

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