Release Notes 10.11

Update available for cloud systems as of April 01, 2024
Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

Uni­fi­ca­ti­on of the lan­guage sel­ec­tion boxes and their sorting.
Main­ten­an­ce indi­ca­tors can now be assi­gned using the sub­as­sets.
Bug fixed: Incor­rect mate­ri­al can be sel­ec­ted via artic­le API.
Bug fixed: Order form does not use the bil­ling address to deter­mi­ne the cus­to­mer number.
Bug fixed: Order takes descrip­ti­on from mate­ri­al ins­tead of article.

The­re is now an API end­point for scan jobs.
The­re is now also an API end­point to crea­te MPS con­tracts and to assign printers.

In the cli­ent, you can now pre­sel­ect whe­ther the order num­ber can be ente­red by the user in the eShop.
The­re is a new over­view report for regu­lar exch­an­ge pro­jects. Tickets that are still available in the rule exch­an­ge pro­ject can now be view­ed here grou­ped by status.
In the rule exch­an­ge pro­ject, a remin­der email can now also be sent to indi­vi­du­al appro­vers.

Impro­ve­ment of the deli­very note prin­tout.

It is now pos­si­ble to add seve­ral licen­se pla­tes to one ticket.
You can now auto­ma­ti­cal­ly crea­te recur­ring tickets for regu­lar tasks on a time-con­trol­led basis.
You can now also store text tem­pla­tes for recur­ring tickets.
The dif­fe­rence bet­ween ticket sub­mit­ter and ticket cont­act is now dis­play­ed more clearly.
The expec­ted ser­vice time can now also be stored in ser­vices. This is then also used for rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on and in the calen­dar view.
Bug fixed: The desti­na­ti­on address is not dis­play­ed cor­rect­ly in the app in cer­tain cases.
Bug fixed: Not all tickets are dis­play­ed on the card.

Impro­ve­ment of the image uploads.
Ope­ra­ti­on fordele­ting assets uni­fied.
Bug fixed: For cer­tain asset infor­ma­ti­on the room is not displayed. 
Bug fixed: Time­out leads to out­da­ted sta­te on the device.

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