Release Notes 10.18

Update available for cloud systems as of November 18, 2024
Symbol: Innovation
Symbol: Improvement
Symbol: Bugfix

When eva­lua­ting main­ten­an­ce tags, the war­ran­ty peri­od is now only deter­mi­ned by the end date.
Vali­da­ti­on of field values of the Asset API improved.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on has been added to the report for moni­to­ring PAM accoun­ters and their utilization.
Old mas­ter data imports are now clea­ned up.
The report for dupli­ca­te scan jobs was incorrect.

Within regu­lar exch­an­ge pro­jects, sub­as­sets can now also be trans­fer­red to new assets.
The exch­an­ge of an asset now takes place via a ticket using the exch­an­ge ser­vice and no lon­ger via dis­mant­ling and assem­bly tickets.
The sys­tem com­pa­ri­son view for requi­re­ments has been improved.

API end­points for con­tract manage­ment added.
Emp­ty docu­ments are no lon­ger atta­ched to alert mails if all assets have alre­a­dy been remo­ved from the contract.
Added miss­ing trans­la­ti­ons for pay­ment methods.

Ser­vice rela­ti­onships can now be set so that tech­ni­ci­ans are shown how many tickets the­re have been for the cur­rent assets in the past.
The Ticket API now also sets the chan­ge date for various chan­ges to depen­dent objects, e.g. spa­re parts.
The e-mail dia­log no lon­ger opens modal­ly, so that you can still access ticket data and pre­vious e-mails when writing.
The ope­ra­ti­on of the modal win­dows in the ser­vice modu­le has been adapt­ed to the other modal windows.
The per­for­mance of the spa­re parts API has been improved.
The exch­an­ge ser­vice has been impro­ved in deal­ing with subassets.
Error fixed: Lables can not be set via the API for clo­sed tickets.

An authen­ti­ca­tor app can now also be used for mul­ti-fac­tor authentication.
The MS-Graph inter­face now pro­vi­des bet­ter mes­sa­ges if cer­tain objects could not be transferred.
Error fixed: The num­ber of lines is incor­rect in some reports when filtering.
API docu­men­ta­ti­on for the OAuth API end­point has been corrected.

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