Release Notes 10.20

Update available for cloud systems as of February 10, 2025
Symbol: New Features
New Features
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfix

Fixed an error that could occur when assig­ning main­ten­an­ce groups.

The prin­ter mas­ter data for PAM can now be impor­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly on a regu­lar basis.
The PAM requi­re­ment e-mail can now con­tain a link to appro­ve or can­cel the requirement.
Report­ing for pam accoun­ters has been optimized.
PAM can now hand­le it bet­ter when new prin­ters are reco­gni­zed wit­hout prin­ted pages.
The craw­ler sup­port infor­ma­ti­on has been improved.
The MPS bil­ling view now shows when pages have been weigh­ted by PAM, making it easier to under­stand the cal­cu­la­ted print volumes.
Fixed a bug that cau­sed the accoun­ters to no lon­ger start.

Fixed an error that occur­red when a deli­very com­ment with too many cha­rac­ters was entered.
Fixed a bug that pre­ven­ted the down­load of file attach­ments to requi­re­ment requests.

Con­tract cate­go­ries can now also be main­tai­ned via the API.

The PDF report for a ticket can now be down­loa­ded via an API endpoint.
The e-mail that is sent when a solu­ti­on is rejec­ted is now also dis­play­ed in the correspondence.
Excep­ti­ons can now be set for e-mail pro­ces­sing for known ticket notifiers.
The e-mail pro­ces­sing rules have been extended.
The ticket prin­tout has been visual­ly adapt­ed. Infor­ma­ti­on is no lon­ger cut off.
Fixed an error that cau­sed some emails not to be dis­play­ed in the correspondence.
Fixed an error when an email was pro­ces­sed for a ticket of a dele­ted customer.

Fixed an error that could occur when mass chan­ging acti­vi­ty types.

The API for cus­to­mer assets now also dis­plays the asso­cia­ted client.

Pro­ces­sing of web­hooks impro­ved to make them more sta­ble and per­form better.
The cor­re­spon­ding descrip­ti­on is now dis­play­ed in the e-mail tem­p­la­te form.
The spell check available in the brow­ser is now used for mul­ti-line text fields.
Dia­grams can now also be dis­play­ed in full screen.
Users are now shown that a vari­ant is acti­ve when they jump from a dash­board wid­get to the report.

Pre­vious cor­re­spon­dence can now also be dis­play­ed and repli­ed to within the APP.

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