Release Notes 10.16

Update available for cloud systems as of August 26, 2024
Symbol: New Features
New Features
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfix

It is now pos­si­ble to trans­fer alarm values for prin­ters via the API.
Report for the bil­ling of devia­ting covera­ge ratios.
The crea­ti­on of manu­al prin­ters now also crea­tes all available con­su­ma­bles and supplies.
The Lex­mark Cloud data can now also be fil­te­red accor­ding to spe­ci­fic accounts.
The order con­di­ti­on for prin­ters wit­hout a num­ber of pages (e.g. plot­ters, etc.) has been improved.
The IP address is no lon­ger man­da­to­ry for printers.
Error fixed: The scan import does not pro­vi­de sui­ta­ble error messages.
Error fixed: No vari­ant can be crea­ted for the order con­di­ti­on report.
Error fixed: The API end­point for the prin­ter crea­ti­on does not pro­vi­de clear error messages.

Error fixed: Requi­re­ment items are not dis­play­ed in the shop under cer­tain circumstances.

The sta­tus of tickets in rela­ti­on to the remai­ning SLA times is now visi­ble as timeline.
Important data has been added to the report for excee­ded SLAs.
The loca­ti­on of the tech­ni­ci­ans can now be recor­ded for the indi­vi­du­al actions so that the posi­ti­ons and rou­tes can be analysed.
The for­mat­ting of emails has been improved.

Users can now be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly blo­cked after a long peri­od of inactivity.
HTML edi­tor optimised.
Pro­me­theus metrics can now be queried via the system.
You can now also save your stan­dard cli­ent via quick selection.
Error fixed: The set­up mode may ter­mi­na­te with a ses­si­on timeout.

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