Release Notes 9.0

Update available for cloud systems as of December 13, 2021
Symbol: innovations
Symbol: improvement
Symbol: bugfixes

The new asset cap­tu­re end­point allows you to cap­tu­re an asset with all known data and check the man­da­to­ry fields.
Neue Rest-API für die Abfra­ge, Anla­ge und Buchung von Bestel­lun­gen.
The acqui­si­ti­on sta­tus for assets - manu­al or with tem­p­la­te - has been standardized.
Fixed bug: orders from sub­cli­ents con­tain unsa­ved data.

Impro­ve­ment of the PAM Sup­p­ly exch­an­ge. This can now also be done using the seri­al num­bers of consumables .
Impro­ve­ment of error mes­sa­ge during an SNMP test.

Exten­si­on of the Requi­red End User Accep­tance (EUA): Reques­ters and reci­pi­ents are infor­med in case of a trig­ge­red EUA.
A soft­ware item can now be more easi­ly assi­gned to an item in the eShop/SSP.
Impro­ve­ment of the dif­fe­rent deli­very address in eShop/SSP. When this is dis­ab­led, the ori­gi­nal ship­ping address is dis­play­ed and used.
Bug fixed: Respon­si­ve issues on tablet and smartphone.
Feh­ler beho­ben: Frei­text­ar­ti­kel­tausch im Waren­korb funk­tio­niert nicht mehr.
Design-Feh­ler der Mel­dun­gen im Waren­korb behoben.

New import opti­on for EKs of MPS ren­tal vou­ch­ers. A cor­re­spon­ding tem­p­la­te can be down­loa­ded in OFFICE ASSET. Requi­red modu­les: PAM, Con­tract, Partner.

Bug fixed: Rep­ly via cor­re­spon­dence tab not pos­si­ble with lon­ger sub­ject line.

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