Symbol: Achtung

Release Notes 10.0

Update available for cloud systems as of April 17, 2023
Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

There are new minimum requirements for using OFFICE ASSET!
Symbol: Wichtig
The sys­tem runs with Java 17.
Symbol: Wichtig
Tom­cat ser­ver 10.1 is installed.
Symbol: Wichtig
The Micro­soft SQL ser­ver ver­si­on is from 2017 or more recent.

Ren­aming some menu items for bet­ter user understanding.
Main­ten­an­ce and sel­ec­tion of cus­to­mer accounts impro­ved. This is now also pos­si­ble based on location.
Bug fixed: Cost cent­re are­as can­not be deleted.
Bug fixed: Bug in the view of thecom­mer­cial data in the asset forms.
Bug fixed: Items can­not be added to new vou­ch­ers if they are alre­a­dy on a rejec­ted voucher.

The API for Prin­ter Details does not con­ti­nue to dis­play data for igno­red devices.
The IP addres­ses on sys­tems can now be main­tai­ned via the API.
In the user inter­face it is now easier to distin­gu­ish bet­ween the indi­vi­du­al craw­ler types .
Cor­rec­tion of the type desi­gna­ti­ons of some printers.
Column area-based added to the prin­ter report.
The Craw­ler URL is now displayed.
Bug fixed: Craw­lers no lon­ger have mar­king PAM acti­ve.
Bug fixed: Craw­ler does not allow some spe­cial cha­rac­ters in pro­xy pass­word.

For free text items, you can now jump direct­ly into the shop­ping cart via the pop-up win­dow when adding.
Opti­mi­sa­ti­on of the requi­re­ment over­view in the Self Ser­vice Portal.
Bug fixed: In the requi­re­ment pro­cess, no files can be uploa­ded anymore.
Bug fixed: In the Self Ser­vice Por­tal the ter­mi­na­ti­on form is not dis­play­ed correctly.
Bug fixed: The rel­oa­ding of the request pro­cess page in the Self Ser­vice Por­tal results in a dis­play error.

Chan­ging the term ren­tal cer­ti­fi­ca­te to lea­sing cer­ti­fi­ca­te throug­hout the module.

For ope­ra­tors, the­re is now a map show­ing all the loca­ti­ons of the assi­gned tickets.
For ope­ra­tors, the best rou­te to com­ple­te the assi­gned tickets can now be crea­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly.
In the cor­re­spon­dence tab, attach­ments can now also be dis­play­ed and opened.
In case of a ser­vice chan­ge, the new cor­re­spon­ding SLA are now also taken over.
You can now also jump direct­ly to the tickets from the read-only asset form.
The descrip­ti­on of the mass chan­ge of tickets is now included in the histo­ry .
Text adjus­t­ments in email histo­ry.

Bug fixed: E-mails can not be sent becau­se no per­son is stored.
Bug fixed: Error mes­sa­ges wit­hout trans­la­ti­on.
Bug fixed: Email tem­p­la­te crea­ti­on via Quick crea­ti­on not possible.
Bug fixed: Hard­ware ter­mi­na­ti­on form can not be ope­ned if an asset with mul­ti­ple lea­sing agree­ments exists on a system.

The user can now set whe­ther the app starts with the ticket view or the asset view. By default, the app opens in the ticket view. Howe­ver, if the cor­re­spon­ding licence is not available, the asset view is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly opened.
The tar­get date can be set in the app and shown in the ticket list. Sort­ing by tar­get date is now also possible.
Impro­ve­ment of the ticket list view. The sort­ing has been sim­pli­fied and expan­ded. The posi­ti­on befo­re jum­ping into a ticket is now main­tai­ned when retur­ning to the ticket list.
Bug fixed: PAM sta­tus mes­sa­ges are miss­ing in the APP.

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