Release Notes 10.15

Update available for cloud systems as of July 15, 2024
Symbol: New Features
New Features
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfix

Sys­tem admi­nis­tra­tors can now manu­al­ly link per­sons and log­ins.
Per­sons are now shown whe­ther they are syn­chro­ni­zed via MSGraph.
The deter­mi­na­ti­on of cus­to­mer num­bers for indi­vi­du­al deli­very addres­ses has been improved.
For Open­Trans docu­ments, you can set the inter­nal refe­ren­cing to take place inde­pendent­ly of the cus­to­mer num­bers.

The API for prin­ters can now also be used to trans­fer A3 pages.
The API for MPS con­tracts now also sup­ports scan page coun­ters.
Prin­ters that do not dou­ble-count lar­ge pages in their main coun­ter are now bet­ter sup­port­ed by the MPS modu­le.
The tech­ni­cal cont­act of the loca­ti­on can now also be noti­fied when prin­ters are off­line.
Error when pro­ces­sing prin­ters via the Lex­mark Cloud that do not deli­ver all data.
Incor­rect values could be impor­ted via the import of scan are­as.

Seve­ral lea­sing frame­work agree­ments can now be crea­ted in one cli­ent for dif­fe­rent locations.

Chan­ges to tickets can now be trans­fer­red to other sys­tems via web­hook.
Ser­vice tech­ni­ci­ans can now crea­te a pri­va­te signa­tu­re and sel­ect a stan­dard signature.
Opti­mi­zed some func­tions for the mass modi­fi­ca­ti­on of tickets.

The­re is now a spe­cial role for the Mobi­le OA app so that peo­p­le can be easi­ly aut­ho­ri­zed for it.
Various desi­gna­ti­ons and trans­la­ti­ons adapt­ed in the over­all system.
The last modi­fi­ca­ti­on date was not always set by the chan­ge via API.

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