Release Notes 10.3

Update available for cloud systems as of July 10, 2023
Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

The­re is now a new report that lists all line items.
The cli­ent num­ber to sup­pli­ers can now be main­tai­ned wit­hout licen­se of the order modu­le.
Incre­asing the secu­ri­ty of pass­words in the inter­face con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on section.
Bug fixed: BME­Cat import does not work anymore.
Bug fixed: The deli­very address is no lon­ger cor­rect­ly sel­ec­ta­ble when chan­ging an order.
Bug fixed: Open Trans API incorrect.

SNMP cont­act and SNMP loca­ti­on are now also dis­play­ed in the fleet over­view.
Obso­le­te, unu­sed PAM con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons will be dele­ted automatically.
Bug fixed: Dupli­ca­te scan jobs can no lon­ger be deleted.

New report over­view for teams and cost cen­ter are­as.
Addi­tio­nal items can now also be main­tai­ned via the API .
Impro­ving the eng­lish trans­la­ti­ons throug­hout the module.

Lea­se agree­ments can now be prin­ted as pdf .
The VAT can now be main­tai­ned at the lea­sing mas­ter agree­ment .
Even if lost assets are ter­mi­na­ted ear­ly, they will con­ti­nue to show on the lea­se agree­ment.
Impro­ving the eng­lish trans­la­ti­ons throug­hout the module.
Bug fixed: Manu­al­ly ente­red amount of pen­al­ties is not saved.
Bug fixed: Lea­se agree­ment form could be fil­led with inva­lid run­time values.

In the appoint­ment dis­play of the deploy­ment plan­ning can now also colors indi­vi­du­al­ly defined.
Various para­me­ters can now be con­fi­gu­red by the user in the shift plan­ning calendar.
Due to adjus­t­ments in the calen­dar view, older tickets can now also be iden­ti­fied more quickly.
Assi­gned but not yet sche­du­led tickets are now also displayed.
The ticket reports now also dis­play the desti­na­ti­on address and the tar­get date.
Impro­ve­ment of the descrip­ti­on texts.
Impro­ved ope­ra­ti­on in sub­or­di­na­ti­on of tickets.
Impro­ving the eng­lish trans­la­ti­ons throug­hout the module.
The calen­dar can now be fil­te­red by ent­ries.
The gene­ral caching of address coor­di­na­tes has been impro­ved. The address coor­di­na­tes can be retrie­ved fas­ter as a result.
Bug fixed: Bug when moving com­ple­ted or can­ce­led tickets.

Purcha­se pri­ces are now also dis­play­ed in bil­ling rate reports.
Impro­ving the eng­lish trans­la­ti­ons throug­hout the module.

It is now also pos­si­ble to crea­te time-based sub­sti­tu­ti­on rules for cross-modu­le authorizations.
A rea­ding con­fir­ma­ti­on can now be reques­ted direct­ly at an infor­ma­ti­on via a pop-up window.
Bug fixed: Bug in export to excel when the­re is too much data in one row.
Bug fixed: Not all data is dis­play­ed when export­ing reports to pdf.

Sol­ved tickets can now be hid­den.
The reci­pi­ent of the desti­na­ti­on address is now also dis­play­ed in the app.
Error log impro­ved.
Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on log of the app opti­mi­zed for security.
Bug fixed: Data fields are not no lon­ger com­ple­te­ly dis­play­ed after per­forming an action.
Bug fixed: Help­desk app can not be recon­nec­ted to ser­ver .

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