Release Notes 10.7

Update available for cloud systems as of October 23, 2023
Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

Manu­al PAM prin­ters can now also be crea­ted via the API.
Bug fixed: Firm­ware report is not fil­te­red correctly.

It is now pos­si­ble to crea­te and use mail tem­pla­tes for con­tract alerts.

Hand­ling notes for pro­cess-rela­ted remarks can now be ente­red on tickets.
For tickets, the­re is now a resub­mis­si­on func­tion with cor­re­spon­ding noti­fi­ca­ti­on.
To signi­fi­cant­ly speed up the ticket crea­ti­on pro­cess, the­re is now a quick ticket crea­ti­on form.
Bug fixed: Ticket crea­ti­on by end user incorrect.
Bug fixed: Exter­nal ID during mail pro­ces­sing was not set.

Appli­ca­ti­on moni­to­ring is now also pos­si­ble via the API.
Log­in with Azu­re has been fur­ther improved.
Impro­ve­ment of API error mes­sa­ges.

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