Release Notes 9.1

Update available for cloud systems as of January 24, 2022
Symbol: innovations
Symbol: improvement
Symbol: bugfixes

The new API end­point allows peo­p­le to be reac­ti­va­ted after deletion.
The Coun­try spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on field allows you to spe­ci­fy the coun­try or lan­guage on the material.
Ope­ra­ting ins­truc­tions have been added to Asset Management.
Chan­ges to mate­ri­al, seri­al num­ber and inven­to­ry num­ber are now recor­ded in the Histo­ry.
Bug fixed: Out­go­ing sup­pli­er inter­face par­ti­al­ly can­not be deleted.
Bug fixed: Mate­ri­al is not dele­ted under cer­tain circumstances.
Bug fixed: Chan­ged ship­ping addres­ses are not saved cor­rect­ly for some orders.
Bug fixed: Pro­blem with asset ent­ry üvia a deli­very bill.

New API end­points for PAM prin­ters to be able to main­tain the inven­to­ry of con­su­ma­bles stores.
New API end­point to be able to igno­re, enable or appro­ve new prin­ters.
As of ver­si­on 13, the craw­ler is also available as a Docker , both on the web­site and here.
Impro­ve­ment of the error mes­sa­ges of the crawler.
Bug fixed: Sub­se­quent­ly added e-mail addres­ses under Mas­ter data >Orga­niza­ti­on > Cli­ents >PAM escala­ti­ons are not saved.
Bug fixed: Report mate­ri­al & repla­ce­ment mate­ri­al runs in timeout.
PAM mas­ter data (e.g. alarm groups) can only be crea­ted if the cli­ent is a PAM client.

In the Self Ser­vice Por­tal the­re is a direct link to online help.
Bug fixed: Dis­play error for assets that were crea­ted but not ordered.
Bug fixed: No pri­ce can be found for rule exch­an­ge pro­jects when requi­re­ments are crea­ted for preview.
Bug fixed:Numbers are not for­mat­ted cor­rect­ly accor­ding to country.

Check on chan­ge of alarm set­ting if email should be resent.
If a ren­tal vou­ch­er is crea­ted from a frame­work con­tract, the data from the con­tract is trans­fer­red to the ren­tal voucher.
Bug fixed: Alarm is also trig­ge­red for alre­a­dy ter­mi­na­ted ren­tal vou­ch­ers.
Bug fixed: Lea­sing­as­sets are not ter­mi­na­ted correctly.

Ser­vice emails can now, despi­te the same ser­vice team, be divi­ded per cus­to­mer and adapt­ed accor­din­gly in text and design.

The licen­se matching is now done with a timestamp.
The demo cli­ent has been exten­ded with various data.

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