Release notes 9.3

Update available for cloud systems as of March 07, 2022


Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

The order num­ber and order date can now be main­tai­ned on the asset, regard­less of the order.
The cost cen­ter form shows whe­ther assi­gned per­sons are mana­ged as acti­ve.
The Craw­ler can also be used wit­hout the func­tions of the PAM module.
Bug fixed: Error mes­sa­ge when sel­ec­ting an asset sub­ty­pe in the inven­to­ry num­ber ran­ges.

The work­flow and alarm set­tings are given a default value in the PAM set­tings.
The input vali­da­ti­on of the PAM craw­ler has been improved.
Bug fixed: Docker Craw­ler can­not exe­cu­te script.

Cur­rent requi­re­ments retain their pri­ce infor­ma­ti­on.
The coun­try sel­ec­tion in the Self Ser­vice Por­tal has been improved.
The requi­re­ments over­view in the Self Ser­vice Por­tal has been expanded.
Bug fixed: Edit Demand and EUA but­tons in Self Ser­vice Por­tal do not work.

In case of alerts on con­tracts and rent tickets, the link takes you direct­ly to the con­tract. The attach­ment of files is now also possible.
The bil­ling inter­vals were exten­ded by half-year­ly and half-year.
Bug fixed: Grou­ping of emails to con­tract alert mes­sa­ges is not correct.

More details about the exch­an­ge devices are dis­play­ed in the tickets.

The demo data was exten­ded by the Ser­vice and Order modules.
A sys­tem-wide report for docu­ments from inter­faces is now possible.
The action menu is not clo­sed when updating.
The error mes­sa­ges for API have been improved.
When sel­ec­ting a cli­ent, the five most recent­ly used cli­ents are dis­play­ed directly.
Bug fixed: Logos are not displayed.
Bug fixed: Vari­ants do not sort correctly.

Impro­ve­ment of the ticket noti­fier dis­play. This can be a per­son or a per­son-inde­pen­dent noti­fier, such as an email dis­tri­bu­ti­on list.

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