Release Notes 9.15

Update available for cloud systems as of February 13, 2023



Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

Pick-up requests can now also be crea­ted and mana­ged via API end­points.
From the Asset form it is now pos­si­ble to jump to the Sys­tem form.
When dele­ting assets, an expl­ana­ti­on can now be fil­led in. In the case of auto­ma­tic dele­te ope­ra­ti­ons, the expl­ana­ti­on is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly fil­led in.
Bug fixed: Tool­tip for sys­tem iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on is no lon­ger correct.
Bug fixed: Inco­ming sup­pli­er inter­face also shows inac­ti­ve partners.

Crawl-E now sear­ches for instal­led prin­ters as well as prin­ters on the net­work.
The pro­cess of the Crawl-E has been opti­mi­sed for the needs in the pri­va­te environment.

Opti­mi­sa­ti­on of the repre­sen­ta­ti­on of the sys­tem name in the Self Ser­vice Portal.
New sta­tuscom­ple­ted for rule exch­an­ge pro­jects.
The Self Ser­vice Por­tal now allows sha­ring links. After log­ging in, you can go direct­ly to the desi­red loca­ti­on if you have the appro­pria­te permissions.
The link to the requi­re­ment is now stored in the e-mail tem­p­la­te.
Stan­dar­di­s­a­ti­on of the request reports in the Self Ser­vice Portal.
Impro­ve­ment of the dis­play of the con­fir­ma­ti­on mes­sa­ge when appro­ving requirements.
Ver­si­on check in the Self Ser­vice Por­tal. If neces­sa­ry, the page is rel­oa­ded to fix pro­blems with the brow­ser cache.
Bug fixed: Error at com­ple­ti­on of stock fil­ling.
Bug fixed: Detail­ed demand viewin the Self Ser­vice Por­tal no lon­ger shows addi­tio­nal items.
Bug fixed: Error when crea­ting a sta­tus chan­ge ticket.
Bug fixed: Mes­sa­ges from the Self Ser­vice Por­tal are dis­play­ed incorrectly.

Only con­tract types that are included in the licen­sed modu­les are now dis­play­ed. For exam­p­le, no MPS con­tracts are dis­play­ed if the PAM modu­le is not included in the licence.
When cap­tu­ring rent vou­ch­ers it is now pos­si­ble to fil­ter by cost cent­re and busi­ness area.
In the Alarm set­tings the­re is now a lan­guage sel­ec­tion for addi­tio­nal recipients.

When sel­ec­ting a per­son in the help­desk, the depart­ment is now also displayed.
Bug fixed: Error with bulk chan­ge.

From now on, only data of licen­sed modu­les can be mana­ged in the Help­desk.
For one-time char­ge rates, no start and end date is now maintained.

The File mana­ger enables the &Uml;over­view of all uploads as a new report.
Bug fixed: E-mail Hand­ler con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on incomprehensible.

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