Release Notes 10.1

Update available for cloud systems as of May 08, 2023
Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

Exten­si­on of the reports by the column Order sta­tus.
Adjus­t­ment of the sort­ing of the menu items in the menu bar.
In the Self Ser­vice Por­tal, the Search is now reset when retur­ning to the Home Screen.

The addi­ti­on of assets to ren­tal vou­ch­ers now takes place con­sis­t­ent­ly. This makes it pos­si­ble to exclude the pos­si­bi­li­ty of an asset being boo­ked to seve­ral acti­ve ren­tal vouchers.

The tech­ni­ci­an can now set the sta­tus on approach in the app. With the appro­pria­te email con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, the cus­to­mer then recei­ves an email with the esti­ma­ted time of arri­val, which is cal­cu­la­ted based on the cur­rent location.
The­re is now a report that shows the cur­rent sta­tus mes­sa­ges of all tickets with the same address.
In the sche­du­ling, tickets can now also be assi­gned via a Calen­dar view .
The ticket view can now also dis­play near­by tickets.
The API end­point has been adjus­ted to avo­id mis­con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons in the cus­to­mer account.
The crea­ti­on of a rule will be done in the cor­re­spon­ding menu item in the mas­ter data in the future. When crea­ting a ticket, rules can be taken over from exis­ting tickets.
When ente­ring in the Histo­ry for SLA escala­ti­ons the cor­re­spon­ding escala­ti­on step is now also noted.
The e-mail to the Ticket solu­ti­on is now also dis­play­ed in the Cor­re­spon­dence tab.
The tech­ni­cal solu­ti­on descrip­ti­on is now alre­a­dy pre-fil­led in the form for sta­tus chan­ge.
Bug fixed: E-Mail for Ticket solu­ti­on does not fill the solu­ti­on label correctly.

Coor­di­na­te caching for the Goog­le Maps API to acce­le­ra­te map func­tions.
Com­ple­ti­on of French trans­la­ti­on.

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