Release Notes 10.8

Update available for cloud systems as of December 10, 2023
Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

Users and log­ins can now also be crea­ted via the MSGraph inter­face.
Impro­ved error hand­ling for Open­Trans address validation.
Bug fixed: Manu­fac­tu­r­ers can­not be dele­ted.

The mini­mum time has been remo­ved from the PAM work­flow form, as incor­rect data ent­ry was fre­quent­ly trig­ge­ring incor­rect orders.
Bug fixed: The end­point for the fast prin­ter set­up does not take over the ser­vice num­ber.
Bug fixed: Tech­ni­cal values of the prin­ters are some­ti­mes for­mat­ted incorrectly.

Request pro­ces­sing for regu­lar exch­an­ge requests can now also be dele­ga­ted to the end user (cor­re­spon­ding sys­tem owner).
Impro­ved reco­gniza­bi­li­ty of mixed requests in over­views. For exam­p­le, a so-cal­led mixed requi­re­ment is now crea­ted in the event of ter­mi­na­ti­on and simul­ta­neous reordering.

Impro­ved vali­da­ti­on of the date ent­ry.

Spa­re parts can now also be main­tai­ned on tickets.
The calen­dar view updates auto­ma­ti­cal­ly when chan­ges are made on tickets.
When atta­ching an e-mail to a clo­sed ticket, an auto­ma­tic respon­se to the sen­der can now be acti­va­ted. The con­fir­ma­ti­on then informs the sen­der that their e-mail with the clo­sed ticket will no lon­ger be processed.
The sta­tus can now be set direct­ly from Wai­ting to In pro­gress.

Log­in via Micro­soft is now also available for the Self Ser­vice Por­tal.
Bug fixed: Two-fac­tor authen­ti­ca­ti­on does not work.
Bug fixed: Manu­fac­tu­r­ers can­not be deleted.

Repla­ce­ment parts can now be main­tai­ned direct­ly on the ticket.
SLA data on tickets is now also dis­play­ed in the app.
The sta­tus can now be set direct­ly from Wai­ting to In pro­gress.
Tickets with syn­chro­niza­ti­on errors can now bereset.

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