Release Notes 10.9

Update available for cloud systems as of January 22, 2024
Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

The­re is now a new stock report for items.
A con­fir­ma­ti­on prompt now appears befo­re a sup­pli­er inter­face is dele­ted.
The API docu­men­ta­ti­on has been impro­ved for some endpoints.

The craw­ler now saves all IPSs that have cont­act with it, as well as the last date of the contact.

Bug fixed: The data in the bil­ling form of the Self Ser­vice Por­tal is not reset correctly.

Manu­al­ly crea­ted prin­ters and their count values can now also be used in the MPS.
In MPS bil­ling, prin­ters are now added for the enti­re month and a mes­sa­ge is dis­play­ed if the bil­ling can­not be created.
Bug fixed: In the case of two or more mas­ter agree­ments with iden­ti­cal ent­ries, the first mas­ter agree­ment was used for a lea­sing order ins­tead of che­cking for uniqueness.

A sta­tus of absent until a cer­tain end date can now be set for tech­ni­ci­ans.
An asset list can now also be atta­ched to help­desk e-mails.
Tickets can now be lin­ked even more easi­ly by superordinating/subordinating .
The opti­mi­zed hand­ling of help­desk tickets now makes it pos­si­ble, for exam­p­le, to chan­ge ser­vice and pro­ces­sor at the same time.
It is now also pos­si­ble to gene­ra­te an auto­ma­ted mes­sa­ge when an e-mail is atta­ched to a voided ticket.

The­re is now a cen­tral debug e-mail for demo cli­ent data.

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