Release Notes 8.10

Update available for cloud systems as of October 11, 2021



Symbol: Neuheiten
Symbol: Verbesserungen
Symbol: Bugfix

With the Open­Trans exten­si­on you can now also trans­fer data from crea­ted assets.
Sepa­ra­te per­mis­si­ons can be assi­gned for the main client.
Bug fixed: Sort­ing the ope­ra­ti­on num­ber is incorrect.
Bug fixed: Print sys­tem exists mul­ti­ple times as sys­tem type template.
Bug fixed: Part­ner sel­ec­tion in the cus­to­mer account of the sup­pli­er also shows deac­ti­va­ted partners.

The Self Ser­vice Por­tal is now respon­si­ve and adapt­ed for dif­fe­rent devices.

The asset sta­tus is now dis­play­ed in the report Lea­sing­as­sets and in the asset tab of the lea­se form. From the­re, the asset form can be ope­ned directly.

Bug fixed: Time­out and Sup­pli­es are not dis­play­ed on some assets.
Bug fixed: Design bug in dark­mo­de - dis­play of time and battery.

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