Release Notes 8.11

Update available for cloud systems as of November 22, 2021



Symbol: innovations
Symbol: improvement
Symbol: bugfixes

With the help of trig­gers the asset sta­tus can be chan­ged auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. The trig­gers, which are pre­de­fi­ned by OFFICE ASSET, can be trig­ge­red by tickets, for example.
Die Mas­sen­än­de­rung von Sys­tem und Asset wur­de um löschen erweitert.
The warehouse form and the warehouse report have been exten­ded by the ID field ergänzt.
If an order recei­ves the sta­tus "orde­red", the order date is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly fil­led in. This field can still be con­fi­gu­red manually.

The cont­act data in the craw­ler have been adjusted.

A need can also be cover­ed by the stock. This func­tion must be enab­led for each cli­ent individually.
The tech­no­lo­gy of the eShop/Self Ser­vice por­tal has been impro­vedfor respon­si­ve web design and design customizations.
In the appr­oval form, the reci­pi­ent is now also dis­play­ed in addi­ti­on to the crea­tor of the requirement.
Error fixed: A soft­ware item can­not be requi­si­tio­ned in the eShop.

The resub­mis­si­on and alert mes­sa­ges have been expan­ded and impro­ved so that, among other things, owners üare infor­med about the expiry of their own lea­sing assets.
A lea­se assign­ment can now also be made wit­hout a sys­tem loca­ti­on. If no loca­ti­on is sel­ec­ted, the default loca­ti­on of the data set is used.

The Rep­ly func­tion­a­li­ty of the Cor­re­spon­dence tab has been enhan­ced so that the reci­pi­ents can be chan­ged in the To, CC and BCC fields.

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