Release Notes 8.5

Update available for cloud systems as of January 5/, 2021




For the Crawl-E down­load link you can store the fol­lo­wing mas­ter data for the prin­ter:
  • Loca­ti­on
  • cost cen­ter
  • per­son
  • busi­ness unit
In addi­ti­on, a down­load link can be gene­ra­ted via an API. 
The asset ser­vice num­ber has been added to the fleet overviews.
Remarks can now be added in any manu­al­ly crea­ted demand.
The mas­ter data of a prin­ter can be uploa­ded via the PAM setup.

Bug fixed: The per­son chan­ge is now pos­si­ble again regard­less of the store entry.

The various fac­tor types have been remo­ved from the frame­work agree­ment so that only the month­ly or mark­up fac­tor can be spe­ci­fied. If one fac­tor is ente­red, the respec­ti­ve other fac­tor is cal­cu­la­ted accordingly. 

In the tickets, the enti­re email histo­ry for this ticket can now be view­ed via the new tab Cor­re­spon­dence. The indi­vi­du­al mails/responses are visual­ly sepa­ra­ted. This fea­ture is only available for the new form version.
The Help­desk Set­up in the sys­tem main­ten­an­ce has been remo­ved, becau­se you can con­fi­gu­re Help­desk in the mas­ter data accor­din­gly and thus save steps bet­ween duplications.
Bug fixed: The sort­ing by spe­ci­fic fields in the Ticket­Team API was not possible.

Impro­ve­ment of asset search and sel­ec­tion, so that the search is star­ted only after ente­ring a search term, for a fas­ter hit result. If the input is dele­ted, all assets are output.
Docu­ments can be atta­ched to a ticket via app. In addi­ti­on, a com­ment can be added to the attach­ment. The docu­ments must alre­a­dy be available on the smart­phone and must not exceed a size pre­vious­ly defi­ned by the administrator.
The naming sys­tem of images uploa­ded via the app has been chan­ged. The cur­rent date is now used for the name."
Error fixed: Android devices could not estab­lish a HTTP con­nec­tion

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