Release Notes 8.6

Update available for cloud systems as of June 28, 2021




Impro­ve­ments to various views as part of modularization.
Exten­si­on of email sub­scrip­ti­ons: the set fil­ter for the sub­scrip­ti­on is dis­play­ed as well, fur­ther­mo­re the­re is now the pos­si­bi­li­ty to switch to the report unfiltered.
Fixed an error in asset cap­tu­re.
Impro­ved error mes­sa­ge when dele­ting a per­son who is syn­chro­ni­zed through the LDAP.

Bug fixed: Texts and labels were par­ti­al­ly cut off in the view and were the­r­e­fo­re har­der to read.

Exten­si­on of the rule exch­an­ge report by the order number.
Impro­ved error mes­sa­ge on dele­ti­on of assi­gned items.

The lea­sing con­di­ti­ons in the frame­work agree­ment have been sim­pli­fied so that the coun­try and the device type can be ente­red non-spe­ci­fi­cal­ly.
The cli­ent name was added as email para­me­ter.

Error fixed: The Recur­ring ticket descrip­ti­on is not taken from the Recurring.

Impro­ve­ment of dis­play of an erroneous/unfilled field in the Indi­go theme.
Exten­si­on of the demo cli­ent.
The modu­la­riza­ti­on of OFFICE ASSET has been improved.
The licen­se for OFFICE ASSET can now be retrie­ved online via the licen­se mana­ger.
Colum­ns and fields are hid­den if they are not important for the licen­sed modu­les or can­not be used.
Bug fixed: type and descrip­ti­on of uploads were swap­ped in the archi­ve form.
Fixed bug when dele­ting licenses.

New PAM asset view: Fill levels, page num­bers, etc. can be read out in the app.
Error mes­sa­ge impro­ved when ope­ning a ticket with miss­ing ser­vice user rela­ti­onship to the customer.

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