Release Notes 8.7

Update available for cloud systems as of July 19, 2021



Symbol: Neuheiten
Symbol: Verbesserungen
Symbol: Bugfix

Impro­ve­ment of labe­l­ing in the report material.
Even wit­hout a docu­ment assign­ment can now invoice num­ber and deli­very note num­ber be storedat the asset.

The remai­ning level of the rele­vant sup­p­ly is cle­ar­ly dis­play­ed in the demand mail.
In the PAM modu­le, direct tickets can now be crea­ted based on mas­ter data (only pos­si­ble if Service/Helpdesk is licensed).
By crea­ting dai­ly rates even for manu­al­ly crea­ted prin­ters, the­se can also be used and bil­led in the MPS frame­work agreements.

The new menu item Main­ten­an­ce group allows to defi­ne rules to have the main­ten­an­ce flags adjus­ted dynamically.

By crea­ting dai­ly rates even for manu­al­ly crea­ted prin­ters, the­se can also be used and bil­led in the MPS frame­work agreements.

The favo­ri­tes in the dash­board can be ren­a­med, see our online help sec­tion 3.3.
The width and name of the respec­ti­ve dash­board ele­ment can be set up manu­al­ly, see our online help sec­tion 3.8 and 3.9.
Func­tions that are not licen­sed are hid­den and thus can no lon­ger be assi­gned to a person.

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