Release Notes 8.8

Update available for cloud systems as of August 30, 2021



Symbol: Neuheiten
Symbol: Verbesserungen
Symbol: Bugfix

Cost cen­ter are­as can now also be assi­gned in subclients.
Main­ten­an­ce flags can only be adjus­ted in the assets of the sub­cli­ents if the PART­NER modu­le is licensed.
The mate­ri­al at the asset can now be set üover a Rest-API.

The Cli­ent and PAM Cli­ent menu items have been com­bi­ned for easier ope­ra­ti­on. Now cli­ents can be crea­ted as usu­al under Mas­ter data; Orga­niza­ti­on and then con­ver­ted into PAM cli­ents. Detail­ed ins­truc­tions are available in our online help.
The Histo­ry now addi­tio­nal­ly lists deleted/ignored printers.
Requests will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly beco­me the order, with the appro­pria­te set­ting, even if the spe­ci­fied email address is incor­rect and thus can not be delivered.
In the PAM prin­ter - igno­re en mas­se mask, the craw­ler asso­cia­ted with the asset is now displayed.
The descrip­ti­on of the PAM mail legend has been improved.

The Fair Mar­ket Value (FMV) can be depo­si­ted on a lea­sed item and taken into account in the event of ear­ly takeover.
Bug fixed: Sub­as­sets on ren­tal vou­ch­er not bookable.

Error fixed: The Cor­re­spon­dence tab cau­sed errors with various contents.

Forms and reports have been adapt­ed for the new, modu­le-licen­sed use. Some fields are the­r­e­fo­re no lon­ger dis­play­ed if a modu­le is not licen­sed. This affects, among other things, the artic­les and the eShop, so that only licen­sed opti­ons are available. More infor­ma­ti­on in the online help.

Mul­ti­ple files, such as pho­tos, can be uploa­ded via the ter­mi­nal and stored on a ticket.
Com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty with newest Android ver­si­on ensured.

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