Release Notes 8.9

Update available for cloud systems as of September 20, 2021



Symbol: Neuheiten
Symbol: Verbesserungen
Symbol: Bugfix

A sta­tus chan­ge can now also be car­ri­ed out via the asset mass chan­ge .
The Asset Rest-API End­point now also pro­vi­des the asset status.
Cor­rec­ted an issue: Ten­ant form incor­rect­ly dis­plays unsa­ved chan­ges .
Bug fixed: Sub-divi­si­ons can­not be assi­gned at once.

The­re is a new bil­ling inter­val & quot; quar­ter­ly for the MPS frame­work agree­ments. Bil­ling can also start in a cur­rent quarter.
A prin­ter exch­an­ge is now also car­ri­ed out for an MPS ren­tal slip if the exch­an­ged prin­ter was on a ren­tal slip. This set­ting for Auto­ma­tic prin­ter trans­fers must be acti­va­ted on the client.
The affec­ted alarm group is now also dis­play­ed in the alarm report. How to set up alarm groups, read here .
Bug fixed: Igno­red prin­ters can only be view­ed, but no lon­ger edited.

New report: Lea­sing assets wit­hout ren­tal ticket assign­ment , inclu­ding the date of crea­ti­on and the sta­tus of the entry.
If an asset is recor­ded, a ren­tal slip can auto­ma­ti­cal­ly be crea­ted for the asset . The user will be infor­med about the new ren­tal slip.
The artic­le can now be set so that its resul­ting lea­sing pri­ce is dis­play­ed in the eShop .
Cor­rec­ted an error: A new lea­sing ren­tal slip could not be completed.

The modu­la­riza­ti­on has been optimized.
The para­me­ter ext­ID is now available for the mail tem­pla­tes and can e.g. be used in the subject.

Per­for­mance - and trans­la­ti­on optimization.
The pass­word can no lon­ger be view­ed, but is repla­ced if neces­sa­ry using the & quot; For­got pass­word & quot; func­tion. Reset­ting the pass­word is no lon­ger available. 
The Noti­ce Popup now adapts to the text length of the mes­sa­ge so that it can be closed.
In the Indi­go the­me , the rea­dOn­ly fields and but­tons are now gray­ed out more cle­ar­ly or mark­ed as unavailable.
Bug fixed: The num­ber of maxi­mum reports in the dash­board could not be set.
Bug fixed: The limit for the allo­wed lines for the e-mail sub­scrip­ti­ons is now 1000 lines.

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