Release Notes 9.10

Update available for cloud systems as of September 12, 2022



Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

Via the API, assets can now be crea­ted with the cap­tu­re sta­tus.
Bug fixed: When dele­ting the cost cent­re or busi­ness area of a per­son, their loca­ti­on is removed.

Log­ging for Craw­ler impro­ved.
Bug fixed: Pro­blems with cha­rac­ter length resol­ved.

An item can now also be assi­gned direct­ly to a cata­lo­gue group via the pro­duct form.
If a request for ter­mi­na­ti­on of an asset has been crea­ted, the rele­vant asset is now also dis­play­ed direct­ly in the request .
Requests can be can­cel­led by e-mail.
The menu bar was revi­sed.
Bug fixed: Crea­ti­on of requestsnot pos­si­ble with regu­lar exch­an­ge pro­jects.
Bug fixed: Bug in sto­rage fil­ling.

Mass chan­ges of tickets are now possible.
Via an email hand­ler rule, new tickets can be assi­gned direct­ly to a spe­ci­fic team.
Sub­or­di­na­te tickets inhe­rit the set­tings of the main ticket.
Bug fixed: Dis­play error when prin­ting the ticket as PDF.

Via the API only the num­ber of records can now be queried.
Dia­grams can now be saved as tem­pla­tes.
The mail­hand­ler authen­ti­ca­ti­on has been adapt­ed and is now also pos­si­ble with OAuth2.
Fur­ther fil­ter opti­ons are pro­vi­ded via the API .
Bug fixed:Unlo­cking a user via LDAP does not work.

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