Release Notes 9.11

Update available for cloud systems as of October 03, 2022



Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

In some reports the type class of the mate­ri­al can now also be displayed.
For out­go­ing Open Trans orders, the VAT stored in the artic­le will also be trans­fer­red in the pri­ce information.
In inter­face docu­ments in addi­ti­on to the pro­ces­sing date, the exact time is now also displayed.

New report for own and all sub­or­di­na­te cli­ents with indi­vi­du­al prin­ters and firm­ware.
The Page Per­for­mance Reports have been exten­ded to include the host name of the printer.
The con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on page of the craw­ler is now also acces­si­ble via HTTPS .
In the report Mate­ri­al Con­sump­ti­on the­re will also be a detail coun­ter for black/white and colour.
The mail tem­p­la­te cli­ent off­line was opti­mi­sed and the date of the last crawl was added.
PAM escala­ti­on after 24h improved.
The con­nec­tion test of the craw­ler now also updates the URL field.
Bug fixed: The crawler's SNMP test can­not hand­le spe­cial cha­rac­ters in the com­mu­ni­ty string.

Artic­les can be acces­sed direct­ly via a link in the Self Ser­vice Portal.
The track­ing link of a request is now also pro­vi­ded via the Self Ser­vice Por­tal.

Chan­ge the fil­ter desi­gna­ti­ons for acti­ve tickets and tickets with new mail attachment.

The accoun­ting of assets on warehouse sys­tems can now be set on a cli­ent-spe­ci­fic basis.

Bug fixed: For the type of an upload an incor­rect value could be entered.

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