Release Notes 9.13

Update available for cloud systems as of December 05, 2022



Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

The exter­nal ID at cost cen­ters is now visi­ble and editable.
Open­Trans invoices can now be pro­ces­sed wit­hout order refe­rence.
Bug fixed: Error mes­sa­ge when sel­ec­ting inco­ming sup­pli­er inter­faces.

The prin­ter type will be che­cked again in the crawl result if a manu­al­ly crea­ted prin­ter was identified.
PAM assets can now also be mana­ged via the lea­se agree­ments. The com­mer­cial data tab is also adopted for the igno­red printers.
Bug fixed: Error when crea­ting a new craw­ler.

For Power­Shell scripts, cus­tom attri­bu­tes can now be appli­ed to articles.
The comm­ents of the appro­ver are now stored in the histo­ry and can be dis­play­ed if required.
Sin­ce can­ce­ling or rejec­ting a request in team emails is not pos­si­ble via the links, the­re is now a cor­re­spon­ding hint text.
Bug fixed: Dupli­ca­te orders column in rules exch­an­ge pro­ject.
Bug fixed: Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on para­me­ters are used incorrectly.
Bug fixed: Requi­red pri­ce is not dis­play­ed in Self Ser­vice Por­tal after approval.

Adjus­t­ment of auto­ma­tic check of expi­ra­ti­on date of con­tracts.

When a new per­son record is crea­ted as a cont­act for a new ticket, its email address is now pre-fil­led with the creator's sen­der address.
Bug fixed: Error in Help­desk when Rep­ly to all with remo­ved cc.

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