Release Notes 9.14

Update available for cloud systems as of January 09, 2023



Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

Imple­men­ta­ti­on of Small pages, Lar­ge pages and Other. The coun­ters will now be grou­ped accordingly.
The con­nec­tion test in the craw­ler can now also be per­for­med with SNMPv3 .

Rule exch­an­ge requests are now also dis­play­ed in the Self Ser­vice Por­tal and can be edi­ted from there.
The link in the info mail of a rejec­ted request now leads direct­ly to the Self Ser­vice Por­tal. The­re, the request can also be edi­ted by the end user.
Impro­ve­ment of the fil­ter opti­on for artic­les of the Self Ser­vice Por­tal. Inac­ti­ve artic­les are now excluded from the filter.
Whe­ther or not an asset is assi­gned to the main artic­le as a sub­as­set when requi­red via an addi­tio­nal artic­le, can now be set via the addi­tio­nal artic­le group .
The API for orders now also pro­vi­des the reques­ter.
The clo­ning of artic­les for a sub­cli­ent can now also be done simul­ta­neous­ly for mul­ti­ple articles.
For the Self Ser­vice Por­tal, items can now also be mark­ed as favo­ri­tes.
Bug fixed: In some casesReject EUA leads to an error message.
Bug fixed: The opti­on to scroll to next data page is miss­ing for loca­ti­on and cost cen­ter change.
Bug fixed: Some links for the Self Ser­vice Por­tal do not work.

Opti­miza­ti­on of email tem­pla­tes.

When ente­ring a team email address in the appro­ver team, the­re is now a sel­ec­tion for the lan­guage in which the mail should be sent.

The part­ner data on the assets can now also be main­tai­ned via the API.
Bug fixed: per­mis­si­ons for asset sta­tus in menu and API incorrect.

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