Release Notes 9.2

Update available for cloud systems as of February 14, 2022



Symbol: innovations
Symbol: improvement
Symbol: bugfixes

The API end­point has been enhan­ced and now queries if a prin­ter is igno­red for PAM.
Advan­ced con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on opti­ons have been added to the host­na­me crea­ti­on. The host­na­me coun­ter can be adjus­ted manually.
Some names in the sys­tem have been uni­fied for bet­ter user understanding.
Open­Trans exten­si­ons can now be pas­sed as an emp­ty ele­ment.
Bug fixed: Asset sta­tus degra­da­ti­on is not set for pick­up orders.
Bug fixed: Open­Trans inter­face fails. The sta­bi­li­ty of the inter­face has been improved.
Bug fixed: Invoice item num­bers can be assi­gned mul­ti­ple times.

The stock level for con­su­ma­bles can also be set via the API for igno­red prin­ters .
It is pos­si­ble to query the firm­ware ver­si­on of PAM prin­ters via the API.
Impro­ve­ment of reports page per­for­mance per day, year and month.

The e-mail Requi­re­ment has been appro­ved will only be sent after final appr­oval. Dis­patch accor­ding to par­ti­al steps no lon­ger takes place.
Impro­ve­ment of con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on opti­ons in appr­oval pro­cess. Artic­les can be spe­ci­fied in appr­oval step tem­pla­tes. Sys­tem type assign­ment is now pos­si­ble in the appr­oval process.
All sys­tems are dis­play­ed in the Shop Ent­ry report. If it is not pos­si­ble to enter a store with a sys­tem, a mes­sa­ge with the reason is displayed.
Visu­al adjus­t­ments were made to the cata­log dis­plays to avo­id dupli­ca­te or emp­ty hea­ders in the dis­play and to opti­mi­ze com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty for mobi­le devices.
Bug fixed: Copy pro­cess of eShop con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on fails.

Emai­ling of the alarm set­tings is now tar­ge­ted via the rent receipts.
In some forms, con­trols have been adjus­ted and more man­da­to­ry fields have been marked.

A ticket repor­ter no lon­ger neces­s­a­ri­ly has to be a per­son. Per­son-inde­pen­dent detec­tors, such as e-mail dis­tri­bu­ti­on lists, are also possible.
Impro­ve­ments to email for­mat­ting for help­desk sta­tus chan­ge descriptions.
In the set­tings for the e-mail pro­cess, you can spe­ci­fy whe­ther the ticket is atta­ched as a PDF when cont­act is made.

Impro­ve­ment of legends for email tem­pla­tes.
The API end­points that include an address also trans­mit reci­pi­ent and addi­tio­nal address data.
In some forms help texts have been added.

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