Release Notes 9.4

Update available for cloud systems as of April 18, 2022



Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

A part­ner asset from a sub­cli­ent can now be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly assi­gned to the cor­re­spon­ding asset in the main cli­ent via the seri­al number.
The main­ten­an­ce groups of the assets can be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly assi­gned via the API .
For part­ner assets, ana­log­ous to the asset sta­tus, a part­ner asset sta­tus can be con­fi­gu­red and assigned.
Bug fixed: Per­mis­si­on error in Report Inter­faces Docu­ments.

The requi­re­ment grou­ping can now be sel­ec­ted sup­pli­er-spe­ci­fic.
The appr­oval mail can also be sent to a coll­ec­ti­ve address.
Bug fixed: API for Track­ing­Link does not work when ordering.

The lea­sing pri­ce is per­sis­ted at the lea­sing posi­ti­on. A pri­ce chan­ge of the item does not auto­ma­ti­cal­ly lead to an adjus­t­ment of the lea­sing rate.

In case of a team chan­ge in help­desk the agent will no lon­ger be remo­ved auto­ma­ti­cal­ly if this agent is part of the new­ly sel­ec­ted team.
In case of a dismantle/exchange ser­vice it can be sel­ec­ted whe­ther the asset should be deac­ti­va­ted after completion.
Bug fixed: Legend for Rejec­tion of ticket solu­ti­on unclear. The reason is given now.

A part­ner asset from a sub­cli­ent can now be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly assi­gned to the cor­re­spon­ding asset in the main cli­ent via the seri­al number.
For part­ner assets, ana­log­ous to the asset sta­tus, a part­ner asset sta­tus can be con­fi­gu­red and assigned.

The demo data has been added.

With IOS theFace ID can also be used now.
Bug fixed: Crash of the app when fin­ger­print is enab­led on IOS.

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