Release Notes 9.5

Update available for cloud systems as of May 09, 2022


Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: Improvements
Symbol: Bugfixes

Cus­to­mer accounts to sup­pli­ers can now be edi­ted, crea­ted or dele­ted using API .
Intro­duc­tion of new trig­ger points for auto­ma­tic set­ting of asset sta­tus.

Com­mer­cial data were sup­ple­men­ted in the prin­ter form .
Impro­ve the feed­back when Crawl or Scan is trig­ge­red via the inter­face or backend.

The Order API now also out­puts requi­re­ment infor­ma­ti­on.

At the end of a rent the rem­oval ser­vice can now also be reques­ted as ticket .
The API sup­ple­ment can be used to query and sup­ple­ment infor­ma­ti­on from lea­sing con­tracts, ren­tal cer­ti­fi­ca­tes and lea­sing assets.

The desti­na­ti­on address of a ticket can now be edi­ted via the API .
The appr­oval mail can be sent again manually.
Dele­ted assets can no lon­ger be assi­gned to tickets .

The menu struc­tu­re has been chan­ged. The part­ner menu is now available cen­tral­ly in the menu tree.

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