Release Notes 9.8

Update available for cloud systems as of July 11, 2022



Symbol: Innovations
Symbol: improvement
Symbol: bugfixes

The MwSt. is now dis­play­ed cor­rect­ly in all reports.
Loca­ti­ons can now be disabled.
An exter­nal refe­rence (Ext­ID) can also be stored on clients.
Sys­tem types can be disabled.
Fixed seve­ral trans­la­ti­on errors in OpenTrans.
Bug fixed: The acti­va­ti­on date is not che­cked cor­rect­ly during a cost cen­ter import.

The reason for a manu­al order is a man­da­to­ry field and is also dis­play­ed in the requi­re­ments report.
The Craw­ler ver­si­on is dis­play­ed on web interface.
The Craw­lE file was redu­ced in size.
Bug fixed: Artic­le sel­ec­tion in PAM prin­ter form does not work.

For rejec­ting a need by mail, regis­tra­ti­on is no lon­ger necessary.
Artic­les can now be aut­ho­ri­zed by means of roles.
Set­tings about the num­ber of artic­les per page are stored in the SSP and used as a default for the user.
The sel­ec­tion of soft­ware mate­ri­al has been improved.
Bug fixed: For artic­le opti­on groups only artic­les with sup­pli­er can be added.
Bug fixed: Demand with items fil­led from stock are not displayed.
Bug fixed: over­lap­ping modal win­dows in Self Ser­vice Por­tal (SSP).

Lea­sing assets are available across clients.
The colum­ns of the detail report can be con­fi­gu­red at con­tract alarm.
Main­ten­an­ce indi­ca­tors can now also be used for lea­sing contracts.
Lea­sing­as­set reports can be varied.
Bug fixed: Rene­wal of ren­tal vou­ch­ers does not work correctly.
Bug fixed for rent vou­ch­ers ter­mi­na­ted early.

In the peo­p­le over­view, quick fil­ters are now available.
If the­re is alre­a­dy an edi­tor for a ticket, a note about it now appears when you want to accept the ticket.
Wrong wor­ding in the Self Ser­vice Por­tal (SSP).

The demo data has been extended.

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